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The last night was whole of surprises for Sam and Penny. They both had nightmares as from behind a window there was a siren after siren and some strange noises coming from afar. Neither of them had a shift, so they laid down next to each other and trying to fight their nightmares with each other's warm presence. But they didn't get much sleep that night, so they overslept few alarm clocks, but fortunatelly they were on the afternoon shift.

"Goodmorning, sweetheart!" Sam whispered softly when he saw that Penny was slowly waking up too. He kissed the top of her head.

"Hello, Sam!" She muttered into her pillow.

"And you call me a sleepyhead?" He asked playfully as he got up a little on his elbow.

"Because on normal basis you are a sleepyhead" she teased back as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm not" he laughed as Penny did, seeing his offended face. "You just see me that way".

"Do you complain?" She joked, nudging her elbow in Sam's ribs.

"Never, angel" he smiled and hugged his wife. They laid like that in each other arms until Penny backed away a little and got up on her elbow as Sam did before.

"Anyway, I tend to wonder is something going to change it?" She looked down, buring her face in her hands.

"What do you think of?" He asked, worried what stepped into Penny. He didn't know her like that. But he quickly reacted, gently pulling her closer as she snuggled up against his chest and took a few calmer breath when Sam stroked her back to help her relax. When he felt how she put her arms around his neck, he put her chin up to look in her scared chocolate eyes as he slowly repeated: "what are you afraid of, Penny?"

"The future" she whispered, but her voice was still shaking.

"I still don't understand" Sam's face immediately cheered Penny up.

"There's nothing to understand, stupidbrain" She stroked Sam's hair playfully. "Last times I am just thinking about what lies ahead for us".

"We've never discussed the family topic before, have we?" He looked surprise deep into Penny's eyes, appearently trying to remind himself whether or not they did it. There was uncomfortable silence, but neither of them was willing to break it. "I would never guessed you want to talk about it" Sam started.

"And you? How do you see it?" She replied shyly.

"You and I, sitting in rocking chairs and our grandchildren running around us" he joked, but anyway it cost him a pillow in his face.

"Charming as always" she gave him a brief kiss on a cheek, but then she remained serious again. "Seriously, Sam. In the nearest future?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I like, very much like, being an uncle to Sarah and James. Sometimes even, deep inside I envy Charlie being a father" he laughed, remembering those few moments.

"I'm sure you'll be an excelent father" she assured softly, stroking Sam's cheek with her thumb.

"Will I? I might be a good uncle, but fatherhood takes much more patience" he explained. "Everytime I lost it with the twins, I can send them back under Charlie's jurysdiction."

"But you like it either way" she smiled. "You just have a hand for it. Kids adore you"

"You do, too, sweetheart" Sam kissed her temple as Penny blushed visibly, nudging her face deeper in Sam's shoulder to hide it. "Don't think I didn't notice how quick you calmed down that boy on the accident scene. What was his name?"

"Jake" Penny muttered. "You know that Ellie said something really similar to me" she replied, as Sam nodded curiously. "She said I would make a great mother someday".

"You're amazing in everything, so I'm sure you will" Sam kissed her so passionately that Penny was glad she was lying, because, otherwise, her knees would have gave up under her. She realized that it was a perfect moment to speak the truth, but Sam was quicker. "Have you ever thought about having children?"

"In our job it was hard for me to imagine it, until I met you" she higged him really tight before they broke away once again.

"And then?"

"Since then I sometimes wonder from time to time what it would feel like someday" she lowered her gaze in shy way. "Actually, we..." she wanted to speak her mind, to see if it was going to brighten Sam's day, but her luck was small again. Because Cinamon grabbed the end of the sheet, starting to tug at it and Penny had to reach out to take him in her arms. She ruffled his fur as he licked Sam's face.

"Wait! Where are you going now? You didn't end" Sam complained, catching Penny's wrist when she let go of Cinamon and was about to stand up.

"Don't you think it is about time to wake up?" She asked him sceptically. "Come on" she grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

They went downstairs to make breakfast and eat it together. However neither of them wanted to continue the topic. It was like they decided what stayed in the bedroom was only their secret.
After another hour passed, Sam, already in his uniform, looked at Penny astonished as she handed him his backpack with a smile.

"Aren't you on shift with me?" Sam asked confused, leaning on the doorframe.

"Sorry, sweetheart. But I got an appointment in Newtown" she kissed him as she closed the door after them.

"Are you ill? What's wrong?" He immediately began to worry.

"It's nothing, Sam" she interlaced her fingers with his. "Helen just pressed me to see a doctor after few weeks to check if this sunburn didn't cause any damage" Penny explained. "But I'm sure we don't have to worry about anything. Besides Ellie is going to keep you company" she teased when they went each other ways on the crossward. She heard how her husband muttered something through clenched teeth about fun, but she didn't look back. She had to quickly make the appointment and after making sure everything was alright, she was going to tell Sam everything. And started looking forward to starting a new chapter in the lives of three.

Hello everyone! I'm sorry, but unfortunately I have really big problem with Wattpad nowadays, I try to keep up with uploading as best as I can, but I hope my new phone will get along better with my one-shots soon, if no, we'll see what will happen.
Back to this chapter, I hope you're not too mad at me. It was not the best one, I know, but... It had to be that way for the next chapter to come with what I have in mind, so I hope I will be able to make up for it, won't I?

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now