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One long lazy day of rest allowed Penny to get strong enough for Sam to come with his parents. Penny's parents arrived the next morning, and even their hearts melted at the sight of such a tiny stutter Reilynn was.

"What exactly does her name mean?" Sally asked, taking her great-granddaughter's hand.

"There are many interpretations, but it can mean a beautiful young queen, or in the e-i version we chose, it usually means A courageus, valliant woman," Penny explained with a smile that had not left her face since Reilynn was born. Plus, watching both her parents and Sam's parents picking her up made her heart melt.

Her friends from the Pontypandy firehouse also paid her a visit. Everyone raved about Reilynn, while Station Officer Steele begged Sam and Penny to let him take over Grandpa's title as well. But Sam and Penny said with a laugh that it would be an honor for them. They both knew that the old man had always wanted a grandchild, but fate had not been kind to him. However, they could always rely on him, and at the same time they will repay a huge debt of gratitude with this simple but very important gesture, for all the years of being next to them, almost like a second father.

Problems arose when, after several days of visits, rest and research, and priceless time spent with Reilynn, Penny was about to be discharged from the hospital. Sam got a whole month off from Station Officer Steele, but he found out about it on April Fool's Day, so he initially thought it was a joke. However, he had no reason to complain. Every moment he spent with Penny and Reilynn made him not even miss work.

Penny was sitting on  the edge of bed rubbing the back of her hand where she had had a IV inserted half an hour ago. It was a strange feeling after she got used to it once. She looked over to the small hospital bed where Reilynn was already swaddled up asleep. Penny, unable to resist, placed her hand on her cheek, and the little one giggled, opening her eyes, which had not lost any of their color. Penny smiled and took Rei in her arms, and then she heard a familiar laugh, which woke the little girl up even more.

"Sam" Penny smiled as Sam pulled out a bunch of snowdrops that he was hiding behind his back. "They're beautiful," she thanked, touching the petals with her free hand. "But how are you going to take it all at once?"

"It's simple, I'll bring flowers and presents now and then I'll come get the bag," he explained, still reaching for Penny's favorite jacket, which he had brought from home yesterday but had forgotten to take out of the car. It was a gray down jacket, even if it was not thick, but it provided warmth both on autumn and winter-spring days.

"Okay." Penny kissed him softly on the cheek as he leaned over the little one for a moment. "Go" she chased him out the door as he tried to whisper something to Reilynn, who had barely closed her eyes. "Sleep, sparkle" she laid her gently in her temporary crib to pack her purple elephant gift from her dad and the stuffed dalmatian that Station Officer Steele had given her to her bag. Two other stuffed puppies were already in the bag: one Entlebucher and the other Bolognese, both given to her by her grandparents.

When Sam returned, Penny took Reilynn in her arms, Sam took the bag and they left, arm in arm, heading for the car. Penny sat in the back and buckled Reilynn into her carrier, which they installed as a car seat. The girl didn't even react when the car started moving, she was still sleeping soundly. And Penny was sitting next to her, leaning her head against her chair.

She didn't even look back and they were already there. Sam managed to get the bag out and carry it inside before he came over and shook Penny gently by the shoulder.

"We arrived," he announced, and wordlessly reached to undo the straps of the carrier, but they were too far away. Unlike the face of his wife, who kissed him softly on the cheek and whispered right into his ear.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now