The Lost Puppy

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Hi! First of all, I want to say that I'm really sorry nothing came from me for a long time. Life didn't give me enough time to write down this one-shot. I hope I will be able to write and update more regulary from now.
Now, I wish you a good time with this reading and good time in life;)

Penny and Ellie have just walked to the fire station for the night shift when they saw two men sitting at the floor next to Phoenix with their backs to the women.

"Hi you two!" Ellie greeted when she stood right behind Arnold's back.

"Shh, Ellie, not that loud. He's sleeping" Arnold hold his finger in front of his mouth.

"Who's sleeping and why are you watching this box like it is made from gold?" Ellie commented sceptically, but quieter than before.

Meanwhile, Penny came to them too and saw what was in the box. Inside was a blanket at the same color as box, that was why it seemed like the box was empty. She placed her hand at Sam's shoulder to let him know that she was already there, because of this time he haven't noticed her yet. When Penny's hand met Sam's shoulder, he immediately turned back his head to see the woman of his dreams and smiled to her brightly.

"Hello, sweetheart! Are you ready for the night shift?" he asked softly.

"Yes, I am" Penny answered thoughfully, squeezing Sam's shoulder sceptically. "But why do you, boys, place a blanket in the box?"

"It's not exactly just a blanket, Penny. It is a little puppy which we found when we rescued Moose from the mud a few hours earlier" Sam picked up a blanket, showing a white and ginger ball of fur. "Lizzie can't pick him up until tommorow morning. She must be at the farm tonight, so we must take care of this little one"

Ellie and Penny was sitting at the floor now too, watching their doggy guest. After some time the puppy slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

"If Elvis was here, he would probably say that this one was really cute" Ellie said, carefully stroking puppy's back. "Do you know what is its name?"

"No, we don't. He haven't got any dog-collar on himself" Arnold answered while Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"And what about its kind, Arnold?" Ellie asked curiously.

"I think this can be Welsh Springer Spaniel, because they are always ginger-white wrinkled".

"And you, like always, know it all, bighead" Ellie teased Arnold.

"It is time for us to end our shift and yours to start" Arnold said annoyed, standing up. "Keep an eye on him, but be careful, he almost ran away a few times" Arnold warned , waving for a goodbye.

"Have a nice night, sweetheart!" Sam wished, placing a short kiss on Penny's cheek.

"Take a little rest, darling!" Penny stood up and gave Sam a hug which he accepted with a smile. They stood like that until Ellie sighed. Suddenly they broke away, visibly blushing.

Then Ellie and Penny walked to their lockers while Sam and Arnold went to their houses. When the women were putting away their bags, they heard happy barking from upstairs. Penny and Ellie looked at each other questioningly and ran to the kitchen. To their surprise they saw Radar and the puppy barking and jumping at each other. Ellie went to cupboard and bbrought out two glasses and two bowls. She poured some water to all of them and placed they on the table while Penny was unsuccessful trying to calm down the puppy. Radar has already sat calmy, watching all the situation from behind.

"Maybe this will help" Ellie invented, placing the bowls on the floor nexrt to Radar, who immediately started drinking it. However the puppy hasn't stoped running and he overturned his bowl, so the water was all over there.

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