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It was a sunny and hot morning at Pontypandy. Sam and Penny was having the day off and they went to the Pontypandy beach to spend whole day together.

Penny, who was sitting at the green blanket, was watching how Sam was building the castle with any success. They invented the competition between them who can build better sand castle. Penny ended building it a few minutes earlier and now she was having fun watching how her boyfriend was getting tired trying to do the same.

"Are you sure you can build this on your own?" she said cheerfully. "I think you need help, my help, so that is going to mean that I win" she stood up and went to Sam.

"Probably, you're right. You're better than me at building sand castles, you win" he said dissapointed, looking up at her smile. She ruffled his ginger-red hair and sat next to him only at warm sand.

"My lovely stupidhead! Of course I win. Sincerly did you think you could win?" Penny asked sceptycaly. "I should learn you how to build sand castles, shouldn't I?" she asked, looking straight to his blue eyes that remaid her every time she look at it about peace summer sea, which she also was seeing now.

"I'm completly sure if someone can teach me something new, it always will be you" Sam said, gently kissed his girlfriend at cheek.

Penny was teaching Sam how build sand castles for more than one hour, but at the end she has taught him that. When she ended, Sam asked if they could go swimming. Penny agreed with more joy, because of water should be colder than the dry land.

They ran to the sea with a children happiness and relief painting on their faces. They were swimming  for some time and then Penny took a break to tie her hair. She didn't realize that Sam dived under water and pushed her to the water, too. She has fallen to sea with her hair not tied, so she has got wetter hair than earlier when they were only swimming.  When Sam stopped diving, he started laughing that he managed to do it. Penny stood up, caught some water and poured it Sam's head. He spitted the water out and said:
"Why did you do that? It wasn't funny"

"Firstly, it was funny. Secondly, I did it as a revenge of you push me under the water" Penny said angryly. Moreover she wanted to say something else, but she felt the cold water on her chest and  arms.

They ended running around each other, splashing water with joy. The splashing water was everywhere around, they have got everything wet, but they filled their hearts with joyful and love for time they spent, spend and will spend together. The temperature must fell, because Penny felt cold and started shivering. She went to their blanket and sat there, trying to warm herself before Sam will come to her. She hasn't got more success than Sam trying to build sand castles at the morning. Sam came to her when she shivered again. This didn't escape Sam's attention. His facial expression changed from happy to worried, he has never wanted to see lover of his life feel bad or ill. He reached for another blanket they have brought with them. This one was in red and blue strips. He put it at Penny's shoulders and sat next to her. She laid her head at his shoulder and moved closer to him. She still felt cold, but Sam's heat and dry blanket helped her warmed up. When she felt warm and dry again, she covered Sam's back to help him dry to the end. They sat at the green blanket, the red and blue stripped blanked laid at the sand next to Penny's left hand and they were watching the sea, which was wetting the nearest sand and was coming out of it, until Penny started shivering again. Earlier Sam felt she started to be colder, but he thought it was only from the colder air temperature.

"Sam" Penny said quietly. It sounded not like she want to tell his name like this, but more like she couldn't tell it louder. "I know you want to spend  whole day with me at the beach, but... Can we go home now?" she asked quieter than before. "I'm cold and exhaused" she added, but Sam would want only she feel happy, well and warm even if he couldn't have whole this beautiful day with her at the beach.

"Of course we can. And we do it immediately. You need to warm up if you don't want to catch the cold. Don't worry that all our plans for today won't come truth until evening. We can do it again someday. I am always the most happy person at the world when we both and our friends and families are happy and heathly, moreover we can do what we love and spend our time together. By the way I tell it again I love you" Sam said to Penny when he stood up, picked up two-colored blanket and covered Penny's shoulders and back. Then he put his backpack on his back and helped Penny stand up. When she stood with her arms around her body and blanket, Sam pick up the green blanket and also laid it on Penny. He embraced Penny to warm up her a little and help her walk and give her his presence that could show her she can always count on him no matter what.

After some time they went to warm Sam's house, in which they have lived since they confessed their feeling for each other. As quickly as Penny could, she changed her clothes and laid down in bed under thin summer blue duvet, Sam covered it a warm blanket from closet at the bedroom to make it warmer than it is itself.

"Sweet dreams, my heart. I hope you'll feel very good tomorrow, although you haven't got a shift. But I want neither see you being ill nor know you don't feel good nor save you from danger. I don't want either know or see  something bad happen to my relatives, but I will stand you in none of this situations. I love you" Sam whispered softly to Penny's ear. She has already fallen asleep, but Sam was sure she has already known everything he told.  Then he went to bed too, he kissed Penny's forehead and fall asleep.

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat