"You come anyway"

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Hello everyone! I'm coming back at least with this one poor one-shot. I know it is not the best, but I hope you'll at least give it a chance, won't you?

The cool November air helped Penny clear her mind. Even though almost a month had passed, she still sometimes felt like her sadness was crushing her to the ground. But this time, she was stronger because she no longer rejected Sam's helping hand.

She was just coming back from the Whole Fish Cafe. Reilynn was left in the care of Bronwyn and Sarah, while Penny had just picked up a birthday cake on the way and headed towards the firestation. She couldn't miss a day like this. It wasn't supposed to be a surprise party, but she still felt obliged to be there, even if she was reluctant to leave Reilynn in the care of her aunt and cousin.

Penny walked into the firestation, smelling a familiar scent. She walked to the row of lockers and opened hers. She took off her jacket and hung it in the empty space. She closed the door to her locker and silently walked up the stairs.

"Where is our birthday girl?" She asked as she saw Sam and Elvis getting everything ready in the common room.

"I took her and Arnold outside to practice in the training tower," Sam replied, walking over to Penny.

"When we're done, we'll radio Arnold and he'll bring her over here so she doesn't suspect anything," Elvis explained, greeting Penny and taking the cake from her to put it in the fridge.

"Good, because we'll have a special guest. Steele invited Gabriela" Penny announced, helping Sam attach a 'Happy Birthday' sign above the table.

"He obviously thinks something might come of it," Sam chuckled halfheartedly to himself.

"Maybe, maybe not," Penny joked as she stepped down from the ladder. "It was the same with us, have you forgotten, stupidbrain?" Penny teased, playfully digging her elbow into Sam's side as she passed him.

"I asked you not in front of others," Sam complained in a whisper as Elvis giggled softly. "Who's taking care of Rei today, anyway?" Sam asked Penny quietly when he caught up with her, thoughtfully placing cups and plates on the table. There were only a few birthday hats missing.

"Relax. Reilynn is with Bronwyn and Sarah," Penny replied, spreading out the last of the napkins.

Everything was ready when Gabriela joined them. They all put their gifts in one bag, Sam also threw in Arnold's gift so it wouldn't turn out to be anything stupid, before he took his radio and gave the strange command.

"Get your gear and go back! Elvis burned the pancakes again."

Penny giggled as Elvis tried to catch up with Sam, spoon in hand.

"You're about to really burn something, Elvis," they heard the voice of Ellie, who had just stood in the doorway and was pointing her finger towards the stove. Elvis managed to react before the pancakes burned to a crisp, but they were already black.

"There's no point in your pancake surprise, Elvis," Arnold remarked irritably.

"Okay, enough of that," Penny interrupted Arnold before he could make one of his statistical remarks. "All the best and happy birthday!" Realizing that the surprise was already spoiled, Penny was the first to express her best wishes, walking up to Ellie, who returned the hug.

"You came anyway?" Ellie asked in disbelief. When she recently visited Penny and asked if she was planning anything for her birthday, Penny replied evasively that she had no one to leave Reilynn with.

"I just came for my piece of the cake" Penny teased Ellie playfully.

However, Ellie didn't have time to answer because the boys surrounded her to wish her well. Ellie couldn't get over the presents, but she didn't unwrap one and only two people besides her knew why. They prepared each of his gifts in secret from everyone else, even Sam and Penny. Mainly, it looked like they were music CDs and some extras, although it wasn't immediately clear who Ellie got the book from.

"Who is this from?" Elvis asked surprised. Even he understood their plan, which meant - no books.

"Definitely not from me," Penny countered as Ellie looked at her pointedly. "Here's, from me, that Avicii album you always wanted to borrow."

"It's from me" Arnold shyly admitted that the book was his. "I thought that since you're Reilynn's godmother now, it's fitting that you..." He didn't get to finish because Ellie lightly hit him on the arm with her gift as the others burst into loud laughter.

"Good advice for the future, don't buy books as gifts" Ellie whispered maliciously before Elvis brought out a cake with candles and everyone started singing a loud "Happy Birthday".

Nothing could spoil the good fun and cheerful atmosphere. Before long, there weren't even any crumbs left from the cake. Everyone was laughing and joking and even Arnold started talking to Gabriela. But all good things didn't last long and when Sam went to put on the water for tea, everyone present heard the alarm go off.

"We're still on duty," Sam called to Elvis when Arnold finished speaking. "Ellie, you can stay," he agreed to his colleague's silent request.

"Thanks, Sam," Ellie managed to reply before Sam, Elvis, and Arnold were out of sight. "We missed you here," she turned to Penny. "Aren't you thinking about coming back?"

"What? Have you had enough of Station Officer Steele's stories?" Penny teased Ellie. Despite the smile on her face, her voice was not joyful, but rather filled with sadness and doubt.

"They can be annoying, but since I don't have to listen to them every shift, seven days a week, I manage to survive," Ellie joked. "I just care about you. Everyone knows you're irreplaceable," Ellie smiled encouragingly. During her last visit to Penny, her friend told her that she missed her job and her usual activities.

"You know it's not that simple," Penny sighed and, looking for a way out, turned to Gabriela. "What about you?"

"Good," they replied at the same time. Penny commented with a laugh.

"It's slowly starting to come together," Ellie explained, slightly embarrassed.

"Is that why you didn't open Gabriela's gift?" Penny asked slyly.

"How do you know about this?" They both looked at her with wide eyes.

"I put it in the bag myself," Penny giggled at their offended faces. Out of anger, Ellie was forced to open the tiny package in front of Penny and Gabriela.

"A notebook? Why are you giving me a notebook?" Ellie looked at Gabriela in surprise.

"Look what's inside" Gabriela walked over to Ellie and opened the gift on the appropriate side. "I didn't get permission to publish it, so I wrote it down by hand," she explained.

"There's still a lot of space," Ellie noted as she turned the pages.

"Yes, because I only know the stories you told me," Gabriela complained. "A few threads and our adventures are missing."

"So are you thinking about something more?" Penny smiled, catching on. "I was afraid you two had a fight?"

"Sam was right, you really had a poor grasp of reality lately," Ellie shook her head in resignation. "When I said Gabriela went back to Swansea, I meant she went to look after Jake. I didn't mean we broke up."

"Oh, so that's why Penny called me," Gabriela chimed in. "I couldn't stop thinking what this had to do with me."

"Sorry, I wasn't in the best condition. First my grandma and then Reilynn got sick," Penny explained sadly.

"I'm sorry," Gabriela lightly patted Penny's hand.

"And on to happier things. How about some chocolate?" Ellie held the open box out to Penny. "If you're not going to come back soon, why don't you tell me who talked my sister into seeing Ben?" Ellie continued asking snide questions until Sam, Elvis and Arnold returned from the action.

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