Sam's birthday

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Sam woke up when warm august sun began to show through the curtains in the bedroom. Without opening his eyes, he began to seek his wife's hand somewhere next to him, but, to his disappointment, he was alone in a bed again. But it didn't last too long, because after he rubbed his eyes and was about to pull back the cover, he heard a footsteps somewhere near, so he quickly grabbed the pillow and put his head back on it. Hearing how Penny quietly closed the door after herself, Sam carefully opened one eye.
She sat down on the edge of bed on the other side to put something in a drawer of bedside table. Sam couldn't see what it was, because Penny blocked his view, although he perfectly well saw a moment when she was about to stand back up. He stretched out and closed his arms around Penny's waist. To his astonishment she shuddered and quickly found a way out. Nevertheless she laid down next to him anyway.

"Sleepyhead" she throw when he streched out his arm to let her snuggled up against him, which she reluctantly accepted.

"What's wrong with you today?" Sam asked caringly, stoking Penny's temple.

"What do you mean?" She backed her head back a little to look Sam in the eyes.

"First time since we're together you're so quiet and reluctant in my presence" he expalined, trying to earn back the control of the situation, but it ended unsuccessful.

She went quiet. Visibly something was not good, but she just laid down next to Sam without saying a word, as he ran his fingers through her silky hair. After longer while in silence she announced she was going to make breakfast and she would be waiting for him downstairs.

Sam forced a smile, even though worries kept running through his head. Walking downstairs after a quick shower he looked at the calendar. Today was 16th of August. The day rang in his mind, but he couldn't remind himself what had happened in that day. He walked into the kitchen to see noone only a card and a plate with samdwiches. He took a card and plate and went looking for his wife. Penny was waiting for him in the neighbor room, sitting on the couch and eating her sandwiches. Sam tried to use at least this opportunity, but when he tried to cover her her eyes with his hand, a card he was holding fell down on her crossed legs. She turned around to face Sam, showing him the other side of the card.

"Happy birthday, Sam!" She rose slightly on her knees to give her husband a passionate kiss on lips.

"That's what the day is today" he rubbed the back of his neck as Penny was tring really hard not to laugh.

"You forgot about your own birthday! Again" she shook her head in disbelief. Sam always remembered other people's birthday, but he quickly forgets about his own. She couldn't help but wonder if he would remember about their wedding anniversary after few years. "Open it, I want to see your face" she pointed to the empty seat next to her. Sam put his breakfast on chair as he sat next to Penny and took his present in shaking hands.

"Is this my present?" He asked sceptically, taking a pen-drive out of it.

"No, stupidbrain" Penny reached for laptop, turned it on and she put it in the plug on the computer. "You're real present is waiting still in the kitchen. These are just a photos from Sophie from our wedding" she explained, then they looked at the pictures in great joy as they finished their breakfast.

When Sam went to do the dishes, which Penny gladly accepted, she still followed him. She took something out of the fridge and then she nudged her face in his back. He turned around and put his still wet arms around her shoulders.

"You hid it in a fridge?" He sent her a sceptical glance as he followed her hand to played a little with her fingers.

"Better open it" she broke away from him and took a step to the side. So Sam did as she ordered. He opened the box, by cutting the tape and carefully peeling off the wrapping paper. Inside of it he found a mug with two inicials S like him and P like Penny. He leaned forward a little and kissed Penny's temple to bring back her attention.

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