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Hello everyone! I know it is already almost 9 p.m., but here go the last Christmas story from me this year, I promise. I'm still not satisfied with this chapter, it have nothing in common with the original idea I have in mind, except the Christmas atmosphere. Anyway, I want to wish you last time MERRY CHRISTMAS and nice time while reading this;)

It was a Christmas time in Pontypandy. Everywhere you went the Christmas lights were shining and the people wished themselves good. The snow was everywhere, unfortunately the troubles either.

"First the Christmas tree didn't come" Sam complained walking up the stairs with Penny following him in the last hour at their shift on Christmas Day.

"Fortunately, it is finally at its place, Sam, so this problem we can already marked as done" she ended when they heard a scream from kitchen. "What is happening up there this time?" She asked in disbelief, running after Sam.

When they reached the kitchen table, Elvis was immediately next to them, showing his burned to black gingerbreads for today's meeting. There were the second trouble, Elvis couldn't focus enough to make this gingerbreads alive for a few weeks he has been trying, but his tries ended unsuccessfully also today.

"Look, Sam, it didn't go out of oven better than the last ones, even a worse" Elvis sobbed in despair to his best friend. He didn't notice Penny, who were standing still behind Sam's back. When she walked to him to encouragely place her hand on his shoulder, he jumped a little high in the air from fear, but then he laughed it anyway.

"I can help you with baking, so don't worry. I think the next turn of your famous gingerbreads will get better when we will work together" she said, smiling. When Sam took her arm and smiled as well, she and Elvis waved to him for a goodbye. Station Officer Steele ordered him before to go home and rest, because he didn't feet too good at work,  but he argued, so at least Station Officer Steele let him help Penny with checking Merkury, but Station Officer Steele warned if he would see him at fire station later, Sam would be in less hour work to the end of winter and that would be the last thing contacted with work he has ever wanted. So he politely went to home right now, leaving Penny for the end of her shift.

"Elvis, can you give me this burned gingerbreads? I just have an idea what to do with them" he turned back, took all the gingerbreads and then went downstairs.

Just then Penny and Elvis prepared all the ingrendients: flour, honey, sugar, cocoa, butter, milk. Then they began to mixed all this componets together to a whole dough. When it ended, they cut shapes and put them all in the oven. When the work ended, the last thing was to clean the kitchen where they noticed they used less flour than they prepared. Penny walked to put it back in the cupboard, but Radar, who appeared from nowhere, jumped on her and she fall on the floor with the flour on her. Radar licked her face and went to Elvis who gave him his favourite bone cookie. Just then the dog went back to Penny and helped her stand up. Elvis helped her too. But when she rubbed Radar's back to vlear it from flour, Elvis could't hold back laugher. Her whole uniform was in white stains and her face and hair either.

"What is so funny, Elvis?" She asked him teasingly, looking at him questioningly.

"Better look in the mirror" he replied between laughting. She looked at him confused, but looked in the cupboard in the next room and was shocked. She was dirty in the flour. She went back, but had to smile at Radar, while he was slowly trying to run away. But Penny was quicker this time and she caught him and hugged.

"I didn't think about decorating myself as the snowman, so thank you Radar" she joked and she and Elvis laughed, Radar barked happily, licked Penny's face, who were still kneeling next to him, and fricked from joy too. The noise of oven calmed them a little down.

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