"You need it"

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Penny wondered what has been wrong with Sam even before, but since their talk on balcony Sam has been looking much more exhausted and he avoided talk with her about it. So Penny decided there was only one way to tell him it right into brain, it was rather the person. Station Officer Steele! If Penny and even Charlie couldn't cheer Sam up, everything they were telling Sam was aimless, so the only person left, who could help here, was Station Officer Steele. He was like a father for all firefighters, but everyone knew he has got a big heart for Sam. So Penny and Charlie hoped it could help if he shook him up.

When Sam came to work again tired, Penny, without the word, sent him to the office where Station Officer Steele had already waited for him. He looked at Sam worried, assuring himself about what Penny said and why she wanted him to help. Sam looked tired like he didn't sleep by the last few good nights, his posture was not like his, he behaved more like not him. For this time, Penny or Elvis usually took the leader part, because Sam couldn't focus enough at leadership.
It worried Officer Steele as much as Sam's brother and Penny, because Pontypandy firefighters were for him like sons and daughters and it always hurt him when he had to see them hurt. But Sam was like his best student and Station Officer Steele has got very big hopes that one day, when he either would be retired or his time on Earth would came, Sam would be the one who would take his place. Station Officer Steele has known him since he was a child and he saw this blaze inside him just then. Since Sam came to work in Pontypandy in the eye of Station Officer Steele, he has been trying to do everything to keep it alive at the same power as back then. Moreover Sam was one of the best firefighters this job has ever seen and it was unbelivable it could change, but now the change was happening on Station Officer Steele's own eyes. But he couldn't let it happen, so he made a decision.

"You wanted to see me, sir" Sam said at the beginning, but even his voice changed by this tiredness.

"Sam, I heard you need few days off" Station Officer Steele admitted sternly.

"Why, sir?" Sam asked confused.

"Sam, I have been seeing it too, you need it. Has something happened that you lost yourself so much?" Station Officer Steele ignored Sam's question and tried to take the answer out one more time.

"You mean it" Sam shook his head in disbelief how obvious for everyone was how thoughful he was about his tries. "Nothing is wrong with me, I just failed two times in one thing" Sam sighed.

"Are you needing help?" Station Officer Steele asked as he really cared, but he looked more like he was trying to hold back laughter.

"Why have I got a feeling you know perfectly what I failed in?" Sam asked sceptically and gasped in surprise when Ellie walked from under the desk and smiled mischeviously.

"I'm sorry, I interrupted you during the sunset, but I hadn't suspected anything yet. Just then I was delighted. And as a forgiveness I'll help you. I even have an idea how, but unfortunately it is going to take a longer while" Ellie suggested, taking her hand out to Sam. Sam shook it with gracefulness and smiled honestly.

"What I would do without you?" Sam asked teasingly. Ellie laughed briefly and came back to her work on the other side of the door when Station Officer Steele gave her a sign in cleaning his throat.

"Sam, going back to your few days off..." he started.

"Sir, with all respect, but I don't need them, I'm fine" Sam interrupted him, trying to sound confident, however his voice once again didn't agree with his mind in this case.

"I don't want to hear any no. I've already made a decision, so take your time and prepare yourself for something new" Station Officer Steele ordered and sat on his chair. But when Sam had just opened the door, he announced him again. "Sam, I'm proad you finally decide to face your fears."

After this sentance Sam openned the door and went slowly to his locker, absolutely knowing Station Officer Steel wouldn't give him any minute in silence anymore if he saw him at work now. So Sam haven't had any other option than walked back to home. However he couldn't do it right now, because, when he closed the door of his locker, Penny was leaning on hers and looking directly at him.

"You said Station Officer Steele, didn't you?" Sam asked pretending hurt, but a teasing smile shone on in the corner of his mouth.

"Sam, understand, I did it for your good. Please don't be angry at me. You perfectly know you need it" she assured him, placing her hand worriedly on his shoulder and squeezed it softly.

"I'm not angry at you, you know it is impossible for me" Sam kissed her forehead and gently stroked her hand on his shoulder. "I just can't stop wondering why you did it" he added dryly and thoughfully.

"You need rest, Sam, don't deny it!" She ordered sternly, but smiled caringly. "I worry about you, I told you it, but you ignore it by enough time. And you haven't got better only worse, so it will be a kind of recovery for you" she said worriedly.

"Alright, you win, but know it is only a day" Sam warned, walking slowly to house.

He spent the rest of day, discussing with Ellie and Charlie about their plan. It was a bit complicated for him, but they both promised they would take the preparing part on their shoulders, while Sam would have to keep Penny busy, but it should be easy and then at the end he would only pray not for another unlucky situation, and if everything would go well he would have it behind himself. He stopped thinking about it all when the doorbell rang. He immediately went to the door, knowing who it would be. But he didn't notice it was still light outside and he surprised saw Elvis standing on the other side.

"Hi" he greeted. "I only came to ask how are you?" Elvis asked friendly.

"Good, it is nothing what the gossips at station are saying, don't worry" Sam patted his best friend on the shoulder as friendly. "I just once again failed yeasterday" he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Sam, really. But I heard Ellie began to plan something new and I am also a part of it" Elvis cheered Sam up.

"Really?" Sam asked sceptically. He suspected Ellie rather began to plan something behind his back, but maybe it would be what he would need.

"But you will see later what part I have to play" he summed up seriously.

"I thought by a moment you would have told me, but I trust you and it will be probably better than making a clown once again of myself" Sam commented jokingly.

"I will tell it, Ellie" Elvis turned back and ran straight to the fire station.

"Elvis, please don't!" Sam shouted after him. "She will be teasing me to my last days" he muttered to himself, closing the door.

He took a nap in meantime, woking up when he heard how someone giggled beyond him. He opened his eyes and saw Penny and the night sky by the window. So she was at home. Now the game would begin.

"I said it, didn't I?" She asked him teasingly, giving him a kiss on cheek at this welcome.

"Penny, I'm fine, alright?" He said a little too angily, because Penny took a step back. "But thank you that you take so good care of me" he added gentler, feeling how his cheeks began to be a bit hotter.

"You're welcome, stupidbrain" she chuckled. "Besides, I'll always do" Penny assured him.

"As same as I" Sam kissed her passionately and they lost themselves in it totally.

Hello everyone! Firstly, I don't certainly know what has happened in this part, but I know two other things: they are going to happen a lot and it is going to be some news and olds soon! I hope I didn't spoilare you too much and that you like this chapter anyway, despite it is pretty complicated:/ Have a nice time!

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now