Iced wall

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Feeling how the uniform material softly touched Penny's skin, help her be more sure about her decision. She adjusted the collar as she turned her back to the mirror to see sparkling with trust blue eyes of her daughter as Penny smiled at her. 

"Sparkle" Penny leaned down to take Reilynn in her arms, as little girl knowingly snuggled up against her mother. "You'll stay with daddy today" she couldn't help but smile when Reilynn look up at her and chuckled. 

"Come to me, kitty" Sam stretched out his arms as soon as Penny sat on the couch next to him. He sat Reilynn on his lap as she giggled when her mother tickled her on her tummy at  goodbye. 

"Kitty?" Penny objected amused. 

"What? You call Rei sparkle" Sam turned on his teasing tone before he briefly kissed Penny on the cheek. 

"Will you manage without me?" She asked Sam teasingly. 

"Say as if we hadn't" Sam spoked to Reilynn in a childish way and it made her laugh again. "We'll be fine. Have a nice shift" he smiled hesitantly. He didn't hid it he still wasn't sure if it was such perfect idea, but he smiled anyway as he lead Penny away to the door. 

She quickly walked to the firestation despite the snow that was falling and the wind that was blowing. She was waiting for this day whole week since Station Officer Steele gave her green light for today. 

She came to her locker, wondering what could happen today in Pontypandy. She hang her uniform in empty space before she turned around, only to be welcomed by Radar who jumped on her leg. 

"Now he is not scared of you anymore" she heard a man's voice as she looked up to discover it was Elvis. "It's nice to see you, Penny" Elvis hugged her briefly. 

"It's nice to see you too, Elvis" she smiled back at her friend. "Of course you too, Radar" she corrected herself when Radar reminded them of his presence with loud barking. 

"Where's Reilynn?" Elvis asked Penny curiously as they were walking up the stairs. 

"At home with Sam" Penny answered thoughtfully. She promised herself to switch herself off at work, but it was already harder than she thought. 

"She is a good hands then" Elvis spoke encouragingly as if he could read Penny's mind. "Sam was dreaming about this day for weeks" he added proad of his best friend. 

"Yes, he was" Penny agreed, laughing. "He kept reminding me about it too".

"Who was reminding you and of what?" Ellie asked her nosily straight away when they entered the common room.

"Nice to see you too, Ellie" Penny welcomed her dryly as Elvis waved Ellie off on his way to the kitchen. 

"It is nice to see you back, Morris" Ellie teased when Penny decided to finally take a seat at the table opposite her best friend. "You want to join?" She pointed to the small paper list that was stick to the table with sticky tape. 

"Do you think I would miss the opportunity to drew you and buy you a reminder to be nice at last?" Penny asked mischeviously, but she willingly took a pen from Ellie with a smile.

"You can dream" Ellie replied, before Elvis approached them with cups of tea. 

"But I hope you'll stay longer, Penny. It was far too quiet here when Ellie didn't have anyone to argue with" he noted and it cost him an elbow in his ribs when he sat down between to women. 

"I don't argue" Ellie objected as she crossed her arms over her chest ro underline her words. "I had my own reasons to make it seems like argueing. But it wasn't exactly like that, right, Penny?" She looked at her meaningfully as it made a cold chill ran down Penny's spine.

"For now I want to enjoy time with Reilynn, Ellie" she killed the topic before it could have even started. 

"Then what are you doing right here?" Ellie didn't let her escape so easily. Penny was just about to answer, but suddenly...

"You seem to enjoy your time?" They heard a stern voice of Station Officer Steele right behind them. 

"Excuse us, sir" Penny replied formally as she stood up. 

"And I assume the repairs of Venus still hasn't been made?" Station Officer Steele admonished them sternly.

"Roger that, sir!" All three of them walked downstairs and buried their hands in work. 

Right after Penny ended tightening the last wrench of Venus, the alarm bell rang. 

"Mandy Flood is trapped on the rock paddle in the mountains" Station Officer Steele reported through the speaker. 

"What they are doing in the mountains in such weather?" Ellie asked Penny as she already buckled herself up in Venus. 

"I have no idea, but we better hurry" she replied briefly, turning on the siren. 

"You missed this, didn't you?" Ellie asked curiously, when she spoted a smile in the corners of Penny's lips. 

"Maybe a bit" Penny joked, shrugging her shoulders. 

They reached the mountains when the snow was starting to fall slowly from the sky. Luckily for them they didn't have to search for long as they have got the exact location of Mandy. 

"Secure the rope!" Penny ordered as she looked over the edge. 

"Do you think it is wise?" Ellie hesiteted. 

"We have no other choice" Penny looked stubbornly on her friend as she put on her harness. 

"The wall can be iced, Penny. You want to risk so much?" Ellie tried in vain to talk Penny back to her senses. 

"Ellie, it is not iced enough not to let us climb down. It is too windy for Wallaby 2" Penny explained. "You secure the rope and strecher and I slowly climb down, it is not more that five meters at most. I'll be fine" she assured as she put on her helmet and lean over through the edge. "Mandy, I'm coming for you!". 

At first it seemed easy. The first three meters were indeed dry and it was no sight of ice on them. It helped Penny relaxed as she felt well-known feeling of wind brushing her face and the rope in her hands. But the last meter needed to get to reach Mandy, made her forget about nice thoughts. She slipped on the rock wall when her feet hadn't found stable grounding on the ice. From surprise, she let go off the rope in her hands for a single moment, but it was enough for wind to blow her towards the rock wall. 

"Penny! Are you alright?" She heard Ellie's worried voice through the radio as she caught herself hanging on the rope. She quickly jumped of the wall and reached the rock puddle. It was safer to secure the rope back there when she had at least a stable footing. 

"I'm fine" Penny replied. "What about you, Mandy?" She turned to a girl. She just nodded her head, but it was obvious that she was shaking from cold. "Sit there" Penny pointed to the strecher and when Mandy obeyed her order, she buckled her up and covered her tightly with a blanket. 

"Get us up, Ellie" she said as she was already climbing back up the rock wall, but this time paying more attention to where she put her feet.

Hello everyone! I thought this story needs a small action and I used the occasion with Penny coming back to work. But how long does she stay? Have no idea🙈 What do you think?

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