Old teacher

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Penny was just putting her hair in a ponytail when Sam entered the Pontypandy's firehouse kitchen. He had just walked out of Station Officer Steele's office with sour face.

"Steele wants to see you" he announced to his wife as he sat heavily on the chair opposite her. He was about to end his night shift, but he didn't have it that easy, never in his life. Because he was invited for a reunion of his academy team group in Cardiff.

"Maybe you should take a train to Cardiff instead of driving a car" Penny came up with a solution, seeing how exhausted Sam was at that moment. Last week all firefighters were on high alert, because of the countless calls. Everyone was exhausted because of that and Penny had a suspicion why Station Officer Steele wanted to see her today, like only other day since a week started. "I don't want you to wrap your car around a tree or worse" she took Sam's hand in her to squeeze it caringly.

"I buy the train ticket and then rest at my uncle's" he said, kissing her on the cheek, as they both walked downstairs.

The ride was long and from monotony of sights and music Sam quickly fall asleep. After three hours, the train entered the city. Sam had overslept and driven a station too far, but that wasn't a problem as he knew Cardiff inside out from his academy days.
As he walked through the wide streets and narrow shortcuts, a thousand memories flashed through his mind. The team group his teacher created were the best in whole academy. They used to spend all of their free time on traning and strategies on every single break. They joked and walked around Cardiff Fire Academy together as one stick as a glue team. Except for the courses and lessons they took they made a great team. There were seventeen of them at the beginning, at the end of academy it fall from fiftheen to eleven people and today only nine would be still able to come. The two of their original composition died on duty.
Of course, other teachers wanted to repeat the success of their coworker, but to no avail. No other depot worked better than an oiled machine. That is why their group has become a legend, also shrouded in mystery whether such times will ever return.
Sam slept at his uncle George's house at that time and was always critizied that he didn't eat properly. But all those crazy ideas they put in life were worth some starving hours. Their teacher sent them on multiply competitions with other academies. Sam rarely took an active part in them, but on one special in Newtown he met the love of his life.

"Ready, steady, go!" Sam heard the shout in his ears and he braced himself to run as fast as he could. His knees were shaking like jelly from exhaustion after a few rounds, but he had to do his best. Only he and Matty were left in the field. He couldn't let Newtown win. He looked ahead, took a step back and threw the ball as far as he could. He ran behind the nearest cone and began to run around the field, his muscles failing him. He looked back to make sure Matty had run behind the lines, and that was his mistake, because the Newtown 9 had just thrown the ball, which had landed perfectly in the field. Sam reacted instinctively and pressed his legs to the ground with all his strength. Unfortunately, he ran into a cone and hit the ground with a crash. He heard a whistle and his teammate ran over to him. Her ponytail fluttered like a fox's tail in the wind. She grabbed his hand and helped him up. Even though Sam didn't want help, he painfully realized that the crack wasn't caused by the cone, but rather by his left foot. He was forced to lean on a friend as she helped him hobble to their locker room, even though she only left the field before his final show.
That was how the Newtown games ended. Although Cardiff fielded the best players, they always lost in sporting competitions. No one has ever proven it, but some have suspected that at least a third of the accidents were intentional.

Now, sitting in the locker room at half-time and applying ice to his bruised ankle, he tasted defeat. The penultimate year at the academy (last year there is no lack of participation in sports competitions, but only in firefighting competitions), all these years they trained to get here. To win this game once for fun. To show once that they can rise. Yes, they won competitions in their professions as cadets, but jerking was their passion and it's a pity that they always had to be depressed by it. He looked at the other ten. Of the nine that played, only Sebastian, Lilly and Matty were healthy. However, the latter was totally exhausted and even a half-hour break would not help here. Two substitutes came on for a few minutes after the first foul, but one was quickly handcuffed and the other suffered an unfortunate accident. From the mandatory nine-man roster, their team could field only four.

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