Taking care

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Hi! This was really exciting for me to write it, because I totally didn't except what will go out of this part in Sam and Penny lives. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do;)

It was a hard night for Penny she have been wondering all the time what bother Sam so much and why he has been so tired by lat few days. She couldn't stand looking at him in that state, but had no opportunity to help him in any way, because Sam seemed like he stubbornly didn't want to talk about it.

When she was laying and wondering, she felt slow and gentle movements like someone would stand up. She immediately knew it was Sam and she turned around to see how he closed the door behind him quietly as he didn't want to wake her up. But she was awake anyway and her worries didn't let out of her head, so she stood up too. When she was walking to the door, she noticed it was little past middle of night. She went slowly downstairs, she thought Sam could be only there and she was right. She saw him sitting on the sofa in living room with lower shoulders and even a little not his posture.  She went to him from behind and laid her head on his shoulder and braided her arms around him. Sam was surprised, but he recognized this arms, so he only turned around his head to look into Penny's worried as brown as chocolate eyes.

"What are you doing here, Sam? Does something happen?" Penny whispered worriedly into his ear.

"Nothing happen, I just must think of something" Sam answered. It was less than whole hide truth, but at least it was half of it.

"So something happened. Tell me, what's wrong"  Penny noticed it before and it calmed her a little Sam didn't lie to her. Or is it rather bad sign?

"A lot is laying on my shoulders and it begin to be too heavy even for me" Sam confessed tiredly.

"So why don't you take it off?" Penny sat on the sofa next to Sam and encouragely placed her hand on his and squeezed it softly.

"It is too complicated, Penny" Sam sighed.

"I don't belive I hear it for you" Penny lowered her arms in disbelief. "It has never been uncomplicated in Pontypandy. So what can be too complicated for us? Maybe for you alone, it is, but we are a team and we can do everything together as it has always been" Penny picked Sam's chin up to look him in the eye. His weak, exhaused smile hurt her heart. "Sam you know me, I won't give up if you worry so much. I've been seeing it this whole time for few days, you don't need to pretend you are always strong. I... worry you run out mentally" she said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I have it in control" Sam tried to sound confident, but his voice have got other opinion of this situation. Sam knew perfectly he lost control of his worries and doubts to that point that he couldn't even be himself all of time as usual.

"It don't seem like that for me. Sam, you looked tired all of the time and you easyly lose in your thoughts. I really have been seeing it, Sam, so better don't tell me you are in control of the situation right now. Please, tell me what bother you so much and we can handle it together, it is easier when you have someone by your side" Penny assured smile.

"I bother myself, because Charlie told me yesterday that my parents wanted to meet us the following week" Sam smiled truely when Penny laughed briefly.

"What are you worring about? I'm sure it won't go too bad" Penny tried to cheer up Sam.

"I look up at your optimism, but you haven't known my mother high expectation yet. She can be sometimes very harsh with them. That's why I'm scared" Penny, hearing this, gave Sam a hug. It was so unnatural to hear or more see Sam was scared. She felt how he relaxed under meeting her arms.

"Remember how anxious I was when we were invited by Charlie to your siblings dinner. And it came completely diffrent than I imagined, so maybe the meeting with your parents wouldn't be as bad as you think either" Penny suggested into Sam's ear, gently and slowly rubbing his back to help him relax a little. He deserved it.

"Maybe you're right" Sam shrugged his shoulders when Penny lightened her arms. "Probably I overdo it right now and it all is good, but I'm too focused on bad things that I can't see the color" Sam smiled and gave Penny kiss on cheek. She smiled at him when he pulled her closer with his arm.

"I'm still having a feeling you haven't told me everything what made you behave like not you, have you?" Sam kept his breath when he heard Penny's question, so she noticed something. Sam felt the fear raising in him, she couldn't find it out, it had to be a surprise for her.

"I don't hide anything before you" Penny looked at him teasingly. She knew him too well and now Sam understood what Charlie had meant when he told his older brother it could cause some trouble if woman knew you too well. Sam enjoyed that fact, it helped them at work and in life, but when he had to hide something from Penny, just like now, an ice mountain arose. "Belive me, sweetheart" Sam tried to tell something more, but he yawned widely, hiding his face in his arm.

"You need sleep, Sam. You haven't slept too well for last few nights, have you?" Penny asked worriedly, looking directly in Sam's eyes, which were obviously tired what could be seen in their pale surface. He looked at Penny amazed that she noticed it as well, he had to have really funny facial expression, because Penny looked by moment like she fought against laughter, but it surely won the fight and Penny couldn't help but laughed cheerfully. "Stupidbrain, how have you ever could think I don't notice?" Penny ask Sam teasingly, looking him straight in the eye. "I worry about you, because it was for me like you run out of yourself. You really should take care of yourself, Sam. I even don't want to think what would happen if I lost you" Penny lowered her head in sudden sadness.

"You know I couldn't find any better person than you on this Earth, heaven angel" Sam whispered softly to Penny when they were cuddling on the sofa when the night slowly passed.

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