Siblings dinner

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Hi! First of all, I want to apologise that I don't update new chapter of 'Betreyed'. I'm sorry, but it is still going to take a little longer. I hope I will be able to write more in the future. The idea of this one-shot came to my head thanks to FreeThoughts271 and one-shot named Famielienabend and also thanks to Lisasam_x21 and chapter in A life together names Meet the Jones', which I recommend to read:)
Back to my this, it will show a future step further with, I hope, will go out sooner than later this time.
Have fun while reading and I wish you all a nice time.

"Sam!" someone's shout brought Sam back to reality. Sam knew he was living in his mind almost whole day to now. He felt someone gently placed his hand on his shoulder and he didn't need to look to know it was Penny. "Are you alright? You don't behave like yourself today" she worriedly said, sitting right next to him on the bench in their young magic garden.

"I am alright. Don't worry" Sam said briefly, but he didn't look at Penny's face when he answered and that probaly betreyed him.

"I've already known you too well Sam, thanks to this few good years we've been friends. I know when you hide something, especially if it worry you. I'm quite sure you're thinking about something, aren't you? What is bothering you so much, Sam?" she picked up his chin so Sam was looking in her face now, but he was still avoiding her gaze.


"Samuel Jones!" Penny screamed at him with false anger. "Sam, you know I don't want to take it out from you for ages, but you probably also know that if you don't tell me and worry about it so much still, I will start to worry about you" Penny added gently, but also with voice that wouldn't accept any objection.

"I give up. I can't win with you, can I?" Penny chuckled and Sam found it hard to himself to not smile as well. This woman always made him feel better, no matter what. "In my family we have a tradition. Once a year one of siblings invite rest of them to him for a dinner, named 'siblings dinner' and they tell stories what happen or change in a year" Sam sighed. Penny, seeing that he started to feel uncomfortable, put her hand on his and intertwined her fingers with his. "Fortunately, last year I was the one who invited, so this is going to be Charlie's turn. Furthermore I know that nobody from my extended family can come, so this year will be only me and Charlie. Unfortunately, a lot has changed in my life by this year, of couse, for the best I could imagined and..." Sam didn't have a chance to answer, because Penny kissed him so unexpectedly, that when they broke apart, Sam was speechless for a longer while. "and I want to ask you if you come with me this time?" Sam asked, gently stroking Penny's cheek with his thumb.

"I'm not sure. It is going to be brothers dinner, so maybe I should stay. I need to do some things in my home and I will be able to do it then" Penny said shyly, looking down on the ground.

"As I know my sister-in-law, it won't be classic brothers dinner. It has never been with her" Sam joked, but it didn't cheer up Penny. "Don't tell me you are afraid to tell Bronwyn and Charlie about us?" He became serious again at the thought of it, even more when Penny briefly nodded her head. "Sweetheart, we talked about it perhaps one hundred times. It wouldn't change anything in my love if my family didn't accept either it or you or both" he said gently, picking up Penny's hands. "Please come with me. It won't be any difference if Bronwyn is with Charlie at dinner, belive me. So?" he looked at Penny as pleasing as he only could and, this time as almost everytime, it seemed to work.

"Firstly, stop doing your sweet eyes on me. You know how much I love it, don't you? Secondly, I can go if you promise me right now that you won't force me like that, never again" she crossed her arms on her chest. Sam shrugged his shoulders, then he stood up and took out his hand to Penny. She hesitantly accepted it and stood up too. Sam pulled her closer to him and they went into the house.

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