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The sun was waking up people in Pontypandy from their sleep. Sam was having a day off today, but he had been planning to clean in his shed a little, because over the past few years it was one big mess inside. Clearly, not without a reason. Everytime Sam wanted to clear his thoughts after one of his friends jokes about love, he went there, closed himself in this little mess inside the shed to help him see the mess he had in his own head when it came to love-releted topics. Sometimes he thought it would be good to open up, but then, always in came at wrong moment. But it hadn't changed that he was willing to fight for her even though she was already his best friend.

Meanwhile in the fire station Penny's calm nap was interrupted by the noisy talk between her two colleagues: Elvis and Ellie. She was about to tell them to turn the tone a little down, but when she recognized some words, she walked to the wall and decided to listen instead.

"I'm telling you, this story happened good few years ago" Elvis expressed.

"Sorry, Elvis, but I don't see how it could help to bring the two of them together." They seemingly really thought Penny was hardly asleep, Penny fought against the chuckle.

"It can, we just need to make it good in the time" Elvis tried to convinced Ellie that he was right.

"I gave up Elvis, all of tries are pointless. It won't work" Ellie complained as she turned around simingly like she was about to enter the part of a room Penny was in. So the first thing Penny thought about was run and pretend like she was having a nap when all her talk took place.
Hopefully the trap went good and Ellie didn't suspect anything, however her facial expression with that running in and out on her face smirk when Penny stood up, told Penny that maybe what she said to Elvis before was only a lie.

After an hour or two, the firefighters had already had two calls after them, one fire at Flood's house and, surprise, second fire at Flood's house. But the bigger surprise for Penny was when, after she and Elvis came back after a emergency call from the mountains, they saw Sam leaning on the garage door of Jupiter and tapping nervously on it. She had never seen him so nervous that he wouldn't be able to control it before. And Sam didn't have any shift that day and, as from Penny's informations, Arnold wasn't ill, so Sam didn't have to change him.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" She asked friendly, not letting him notice what was inside her head, when she stepped out of Venus.

"Hi, Penny" Sam waved at hello and he became even more nervous when he noticed they were alone in the garage. Even though he and Penny had been friends for so long he was still nervous when they were somewhere only in four eyes, because he wasn't sure if his tongue woulnd't betreyed his owner and listen to Sam's heart rather than to his brain. When he noticed how Penny's facial expression slightly had changed, he cleared his throat and answered her question politely: "I was looking for you."

"Why?" She seemed anxious, but her smile hadn't faded away yet. "Did something happen?"

"No... Yes... No..." he stuttered. What was the matter with him, Sam had never stuttered before.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

"I've just found Bentley in my shed and maybe you and I could fix him. Can you help you?" He explained finally.

"What's all the noise about, Sam?" She laughed out, relieved it was nothing serious. "I will be glad to help you" she felt how her cheeks burned a little, so she looked at the floor to take control over her feelings.

Sam let her some space to take her things and change, wiating for her outside of Pontypandy firestation. It wasn't the same firestation that he met her, but the memories had remained by all those long years.

"So you have really found that Bentley the robot?" She asked when Sam opened the back gate to his garden.

"Yes, in his own presence. He must have been hid in my shed all these years waiting for..." he shrugged his shoulders pulling the dusty sheet off the metal handware. It showed their old friend in his own good box. "I'm not sure for what..."

"Surely for something" Penny teased, elbowing her best friend before she took a closer look on the robot. "He's still in a good shape, so I guess he needs only a cleaning, few checks and he will be as useful as back then."

"Good, so what to do, leader" Sam replied, theatrically saluting.

"Forget about it, Sam" she teased him back. Since she was on the same rank as he was, Sam couldn't let go off reminding her about that fact.

"Remember how Bentley saved your life?" Sam asked straightly from the bridge after they worked hand in hand a longer while in silence. The way Pennny looked at him, this surprised and weakness to this memory reflected in her eyes like a alertness in the eyes of deer. "If you don't talk, okay" he apologised in a way only Penny could understand, he was trying to turn in into a joke, but she didn't let him that single time.

"We were young firefighters that time. And I made a mistake" she confessed, closing small door of Bentley.

"Everyone makes mistakes" Sam laid his hand encouragingly on his best friend's shoulder to cheer her up, but something else was about to cheer them both up even more.

In a wink of an eye, they heard how someone screamed "Radar!" and Sam and Penny didn't even have time for reaction when dalmatian, totally unaware of shouting, ran between Sam's and Penny's feet and, to their own embarrassment and Radar's easily noticed fun, they struggled to keep straight but with the help of each other and the shed's wall they managed to do it. But then, just a second later, Sam felt like something hit his back. Not too hard but still it made him lost his balance and he found himself on Penny. Her surprised eyes hid something else which Sam couldn't recognized yet. But what was suppossed to never happen, happened just then, because when they both looked each other in the eye, not only their gazes met but also their foreheads. And it was too close for each of them to keep their love hidden still, so either Sam or Penny did the first step, nobody could say, but someone fought the way of this few centimeters that seperated their lips from touching each other and they didn't look back anymore. The love that had smoldered in them all those years, ignited with a new power when they realized that the other loves them. Neither time nor space mattered for them now. They were closer than even before and truer than they were as only best friends. Because no matter how true they wanted to be to each other, there was always one secret there weren't dare to confess. Until today...

"I love you" Penny whispered when they broke away a little that they still felt how water vapor of the second's breath crystalized on the other's cheek.

"I love you too with my every single breath" Sam also confessed, but he knew he could make her happy once more, so that was what he did as Penny giggled in reaction.

They were laying like it on cold grass with Radar as a wittness with his titled head to one side and his eyes seemed to tell how long men can wait. But Sam and Penny were simply happy that they could forget time and space around them, feeling relief that they had shared the same feeling - love.

"Maybe Bentley was waiting there for something anyway" Penny invented when Sam stteched out his hand to help the love of his life get up again.

"Come again" Sam begged, embracing her to hold her close (and to help him belive it didn't only happen in his dream). "I don't understand."

"He didn't let me die at the start and now it seems for me like he was waiting to help our true feeling finally go out of a shadow"tPenny explained before they hugged each other tight.

Hello everyone! I hope you had fun while reading this good too long kept oneshot, but I wanted to start new year with clear card at least about the case how exactly Sma and Penny confessed their feeling in those oneshots (they're really more resemble normal going story than a collection of oneshots, aren't they?)
I also wan to thank you for another amazing year here in this fandom and I wish you all the best and all what you want to become reality in this new 2023🥳

Fireman Sam SAM&PENNY ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now