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Hello everyone! After a little delay, I have plenty ended of the stories here, so you can be calm about what is going on here. This one was keeping for me long enough and I hope you iwll see the chapter the same way as I did. 

The first December snow was slowly falling behind a closed window, when Penny was reading her book, laying under warm blanket on the couch with Cinamon drawn right next to it on the inside. Every day was making her happier. Even if she missed her job, she found herself in reality of keeping herself away from danger. And she was relieved that Headquarters sent someone trustworthy to replace him. 

She was brought back to reality from a race of her thoughts when a door bell rang and Cinamon inmmediately jumped on her to jumped down from a couch. At first she thought it was Sam, but a quick glance at the watch, assured her it was too early. 

She opened the door and to her surprise she saw Sarah in her winter jacket and a hat hidden under a snow. 

"Hello, aunt Penny!" Young girl waved her hand. "Is uncle Sam at home?" Sarah wanted to turned around as soon as Penny shook her head. 

"Maybe you come inside" Penny invited, seeing how the blond girl hesitated, she added "I can make hot chocolate". 

"With milk?" A confident smile immediately reappeared on Sarah's face. When her aunt nodded, she gratefully came inside and took off her jacket and wet hat. 

"Where's uncle Sam?" Sarah asked, leaning on the kitchen table when Penny patiently was heating the chocolate in boiling water. 

"At work. He will be back around two o'clock" Penny answered before she took the melted chocolate off the boiling water.  "Maybe there is something I can help you with?" She asked, walking around the table. 

"I don't know" Sarah replied, hiding her hands deeply in the  pockets of her jeans. 

"I already know this face. What's up?" Penny put her arm around Sarah's shoulder and led her towards living room. They sat on the couch as Sarah pulled her knees up to her chin. 

"I just needed to talk with someone, to get an advise" Sarah explained after Penny came back with warm cup of hot chocolate. 

"I'm all ears" Penny assured, sitting oposite her. 

"We have such compulsory extracurricular activities at school. When we graduate from the sixth grade, we have to make a decision" she explained. "James has already made his. He sign up to programing classes. But I can't make up my mind and the deadline is at the next Monday" she paniced. "So I thought maybe uncle Sam could look it over with me". 

"Haven't you tried to talk with your parents or James before?"

"I tried, but James went with his books passion again, and my parents... well, they extraggerated a little" Sarah confessed. "Talking with parents is not same as with a person who is little more objective" Sarah explained.

"I'll try to help" Penny smiled. "But no one can replace parents."

"I love my mother and father, but sometimes, they just overreacts, you know what I mean?" Sarah turned her head, but a smile stayed on her face. 

"Better than you can imagine" Penny sighed. 

"The thing is I'm stuck between two diffrent options and I thought I could use uncle Sam's advise". 

"As Sam isn't here right now, you have me" Penny gave Sarah an encouraging hug, which imiediatelly made a girl laughed, because Penny tickled her a little. "Show me leaflet. We'll see what we're exactly choosing from".

There was a lot of propositions with parts of interviews with other students. There was the programming group that James had signed up for, there was the drama group, there was the group games group, there was the journalism group, and there was the group that both Sarah had been most interested in before and now Penny as well. It was a safety education group. She stood out from the other groups the most.

"This one looks interesting" Penny pointed it out. 

"You tell it only because you're a firefighter. You're trained in it" Sarah objected, folding her arms on her chest. 

"Maybe you're right" Penny shrugged her shoulders. "But you told yourself you wanted to be a police officer when you grow up, didn't you? If you choose this path, it can be useful."

"I still want to pursue this dream, but here comes a problem with my parents. They won't agree on that. They'd say I should start in a journalist team" Sarah complained. "But it won't be anything new there for me". 

"Have you talked it over with Bronwyn and Charlie?" Penny asked confidently, seeing from which direction Sarah was running away from. 

"It would be clueless" Sarah summed up.

"I'm sure it won't. It is your decision and at some point they would have to cope with it" Penny finally convinced Sarah to follow her heart and not let the world bring her down. Listening to her aunt's story Sarah quickly ended drinking her hot chocolate as same as Penny. 

"You definately eat too much chocolate, aunt" even though Sarah grow up a lot by last few years, she still had this mannier of naming things as they are.

"Actually" Penny turned around and put away her idea of going to the kitchen. Instead she sat back down next to Sarah. "It is not from chocolate. Actually" Penny lowered her voice as Sarah's pupils were getting wider and wider in curiousity. "I'm pregnant".

"For real?" Sarah she squealed with joy. "So does that mean...?" She tried to digest the happy news.

"Yes, it means that you're going to be a cousin" Penny confirmed in a warm voice as Sarah started jumping in a circle from excitement, right in front of her aunt.

"May I?" She asked, breathing deeply, pointing with her view to Penny's stomach, when she sat back down on the couch. Penny nodded. Sarah leaned forward a little as she let Penny gently laid her hand on her aunt's tummy.

They spent another hour chatting, but neither one of them could say about what exactly. By the time they heard the door opened, Penny managed to show Sarah a final effect of the room. The walls had been already painted by Sam in two colours blue and green separated by a window. As a result, the color of the walls matched the furniture perfectly and gave room for corrections in the future. 

"Why are you two so happy?" Sam asked when he walked to the living room after work and saw such scene. His wife and his niece sitting on the couch and chatting about something excitedly.

"Oh, Sam, you're back" Penny stood up and gave Sam a brief kiss, but someone else's blond hair came between her and her husband.

"Why didn't you tell me, uncle Sam? That wasn't fair" she tilted her head slightly, waiting for an answer.

"What wasn't fair, Sarah?" Sam tried to pretend innocent, but Penny didn't seem to be willing to help him out.

"That James knew, and I didn't. Even though I'm older, he's always the first" Sarah explained grumpily.

"You're twins, how many times one can repeat th..."she didn't let her uncle end, instead she gave him a hug.
"I'm so happy that you're going to be parents"

"You told her?" Sam looked over his niece's head at his wife who innocently shrugged her shoulders and smiled sheepishly as Sarah took her hand and interlaced her aunt's and her uncle's fingers together. "I wanted to tell her" he complained, and they both burst out laughing loudly.

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