Illness part1

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Hello! This oneshoots is going to have three parts, moreover it is a continuation of my 2nd oneshot Beach.

Spoiler!spoiler! SPOILER!

I've wanted to see plot like this since I started reading stories on Wattpad. I always love Poorly Penny and I am a bit happy that I can repeat that episode here on Wattpad. I hope you'll like it;) Good reading!!!

Penny woke up at the same time as Sam, who was going to work today. Sam must be downstairs, because she hasn't hear him upstairs. After yesterday - their beautiful day at the beach she still didn't felt well. The blankets helped her warmed up and stopped her shivers, but perhaps it hasn't stopped an infection she could have.

The sun has already raised and was shining at the blue sky with small clouds. The gentle wind was blowing between the highest branches of trees. The day would be as beatiful as yesterday if Sam didn't have to go to work and if Penny felt better than she truly felt.

Penny stood up and went downstairs to see if Sam was still at house. She found him at the kitchen eating his breakfast. At the wood table laid two plates with sandwiches. Tomato, letuce and bread is something she always loves to eat and, of course, Sam knows it.

"Hello, my love. Do you feel better?" Sam asked worriedly. "I hope I didn't wake you up. Please sit if you want and eat your favourite sandwiches I've made for you as breakfast" he said, standing up to bring back the chair for Penny, but she was quicker.

Penny sat down and started eating. She was happy that she could eat her favourite sandwiches as breakfast. It was more delicious when it was made by Sam and she ate it with him sitting oposite her.

"Penny!" Sam's shout brought Penny out of her thoughts. "I asked you how do you feel?" he said gently, but his facial expression was worried.

Penny didn't want to lie him, but she also didn't want to worry him. Honestly Penny didn't know what to answer. She knew she was ill, but she was afraid that if she told him, he either would worry whole shift or would take the day off and stay with her. That would be a true act of love they feel for each other, however she decided to tell the lie although she knew it wasn't fair.

"I'm fine" she answered, using lie. It has to be short if Sam will trust in it. It seemed to work, because Sam nodded his head and stood up. However something on his face told Penny he wasn't sure about her health.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but I must go to work. I'll be back as quick as I can. Probably past 6 p.m." he told and went to her. He kneeled down and kissed her at cheek, then he went to the front door, wished her good day and left her at house.

Penny went upstairs to dress up. Then she locked the front door and went to the park, where she will meet Ellie. The women usually go there when they want to talk about both things not matter and things important to them. She felt unwell, but still good enough to come at their meeting. When she walked past edge of park, she saw Ellie sitting in bower. Ellie waved to her best friend.

"Hi! I'm so happy we can meet today in our favourite place to talk" Ellie hugged Penny. "Are we going for a walk or we talking here first? What do you want?" she asked.

"Let's sit here and talk" Penny answered sitting next to Ellie under the roof of bower.

"Well" Ellie told looking strange in her best friend's eyes. When Penny raised her eyebrows in suprise, Ellie explained: "I'm suprised, because you always choose a walk and now you're choosing sitting. It's strange" she told worriedly looking at Penny.

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