The worse day

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It was sunny afternoon in Pontypandy. Sam walked past street, looking down on pavement. He thought he should be happy, because he haven't seen Penny since yesterday evening. She has gone to duty and she ended it this evening. Now he went to his own duty and he would be able to see his love, but he, for his own surprise, didn't feel any happiness. He didn't noticed when he went past the fire station garage door. He went to his locker only wanted to not be seen by anyone, especially Penny.

Unfortunetly he heard footsteps on stairs and he immediately knew it was Penny. Not a second has passed when his eyes saw a blond woman in her duty outfit: light blue shirt and dark blue trousers. She tied her hair, but it has already messed, however she still looked gorgerous. She waved to him.

"Hello Sam. How are you?" Penny asked gently, walking towards him. But when she was in half of way, Sam started walking to her, however he passed her without a word or even a smile. Penny stopped in surprise looking confused at him. Sam has never behaved like that.

"Sam, are you ok?" she said after him a bit louder. When he didn't answered, she shouted "Where are you going, Jones?" She started running after him.

"I want to be alone now!" Sam looked back and said a much louder than he wanted to. Penny just looked at him without saying anything when her eyes started filling with tears. She's strong and she cry rarely at work, but she has never imagine today's Sam's strange behaviour especially with shouting at her. Sam had to feel a bit stupid and guilt, Penny saw that in his eyes, but he didn't do anything besides running upstairs and leaving her in the garage next to Jupiter.

Sam went to office, closing the door and sitting at the floor, unsure what he has just done. A few minutes later he regonize how stupid he was. How he could behave like that? What Penny thought now? Would she still want to be his girlfriend after that? Maybe she wouldn't want to be even his friend? This dark thoughts showed in his mind and kept showing when he was sitting at the floor in the office with his eyes full of tears. He knew he had to said that he was sorry to Penny, but the only thing he could do right now, was sitting, crying and thinking.

Meanwhile Elvis walked to the garage and he saw Penny, who was crying, sitting with her knees touching her forehead. He dropped his backpack and ran to her. She was his best friend and he has never wanted to see her crying. Moreover he wondered what could happened, because now at the fire station should be only he, Penny and Sam. Would Penny's cry has something to do with her and Sam...? He sat next to her, placing his hand at her shoulder. She looked up and saw him.

"Hi Elvis" she said weakly, wiping her eyes, but still looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" Elvis asked gently his best friend.

"Nothing. Everything's alright" Penny lied.

"Maybe I'm the most childish and sometimes the most stupid of us all, but I can see when something is wrong with my best friends" he told cheerfully. His joke of himself was done his work. Penny started truly laughing. He knew she laughed of him, but if she must be happy, he will endure the humiliation.

"Uhm, sorry of that. I don't think any of this things. Nobody think that about you. You're amazing firefighter, you always are yourself and you always know how to cheer us up" she smiled.

"Thanks, but... back to the topic why are you crying?" he asked gentler than before.

"Sam behaves strange today. He ignored me and shouted at me" she confessed, felt tears running down her cheeks.

"What? But why?" Elvis was totally surprised.

"I don't know.  He only told me that he wanted to be alone" she said when Elvis stood up and offered his hand to help her get up, but she shaked her head. "Sorry. I'm better stay here and wash Venus. I've already washed Jupiter, but Venus no. She are dirty, too."

"She could be jealous that Jupiter has already been clean and she is still dirty" Elvis and Penny together chucled.

"You can be right" Penny said looking how Elvis went to stairs. "But please don't talk with Sam. I think... I think he need some time" she said quietly and Elvis still heard her, but he walked straight to Sam.

Sam was still sitting at the floor when he heard someone knock to the door. His anger passed away. He hoped that was Penny, but he also knew it was more impossible than possible. He answered to come and he saw Elvis.

"Friend, what's wrong with you? Do you have a worse day today?" Elvis asked worriedly.

"I think yes, Elvis" Sam said quietly. "And I think I was terrible for Penny, wasn't I?"

"I have to agree with you, she was crying when I saw her. But you still can talk with her. She'll forgive you, you know her. Furthermore you love each other and I think this mean more to her than your bad behaviour. If you want to talk with her, she's downstairs" Elvis cheered up his best friend.

"Thank you Elvis. You're amazing friend" Sam stood up and went past the door to the stairs.

"Do you know I've already known it?" Elvis said joyfully spying Sam downstairs.

Sam ran downstairs. Immediately he saw Penny washing Venus. He quietly went to her, but when he was right behind her, she turned herself to see his face. Sam lowered his gaze to the floor.

"I want to say that I am very very sorry" he said quietly, but Penny heard his words. "I behaved terrible earlier. I know the worse day don't justify me, but I'm sure that I have one today. I felt unsure and sad this afternoon when I went to work. I didn't feel any joy of meeting you. I'm scared what you can say now, but have you ever forgiven me?" Sam started crying. He has never wanted to loose Penny. Fortunetly Penny has never wanted to loose him either. She gave him a hug, wiping his eyes.

"Of course, my stupidbrain. I'm not even mad at you now. Everyone has got worse day. You and me, too. But I'll always be next to you in worse and better days, like you for me. Moreover we have friends that we always can count o..." she even couldn't end a word, because of Elvis, who jumped at them hugged Sam with Penny. They all have fallen on the floor now.

"You're right, Penny" he shouted happily.

"Elvis, you went right behaind me, didn't you?" Sam asked scepticaly, knowing the answer.

"Maybe a li..." he started but, this time, he was interrupt not by a friend jumping on him but by Radar, who barked, licked his, Penny's and Sam's face and frisked with joy. They all started to laugh and trying to stand up with Radar that didn't help.

The rest of duty was normal. Sam behaves like him, not like his worse side. Soon Penny went to the house leaving Sam with Elvis and Radar, who couldn't stop walking everywhere after one of them. When Arnold came, he pick some funny photos of his best friends with Radar on the floor again or something like that...

Hi! Sorry if it wasn't the best. I rewrote it a few time and I think this one was the best. I don't know when the next chapter will go out, but I'll try my best with it and Betreyed... Have a good days!

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