Chapter 76

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"Where is this guy from? Never seen it before."

"Such big claws, such big fangs, such a big head."

"It's a very strange smell. I've never smelled it before. Logically, it should have passed by here, but why hasn't it left?"

"Don't know, but my gut tells me it's not a good thing."

"Your instincts are never right."


A group of wolves got together to discuss the stuck tiger, and in the eyes of the unfortunately captured tiger, it was a group of wolves howling at each other.

The tiger was poisoned twice in a row, and had diarrhea for two days. It was not full, and now it was worse. Being stuck, it waved its paw weakly, showed its sharp fangs at the wolf in front of it, and growled. Yuxi=Tongjia.

Galle was the closest to it, subconsciously took a step back.

Few animals are not afraid of tigers.

"Stay away from it, Galle." Huo Bei walked over from the side, and Qi Chu was placed beside him, and licked the fur on his neck. Just now, it moved too fast and did not control its strength, and Qi Chu felt his neck was bitten by it.

Qi Chu lay on the ground, and after flicking his tail, he and the tiger looked at each other, and realized that the tiger was looking at him, and was slightly taken aback for a moment.

"Huh?" Qi Chu tilted his head, he looked at the tiger full of doubts, then shook his tail slightly, and the tiger's eyes also turned slightly, a guess rose in Qi Chu's mind for a while.

He slowly got up, this action caught Huo Bei's attention, Huo Bei turned his head and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"I feel..." Qi Chu shook his tail slightly, and saw that the tiger's eyes had been glued to the tip of his tail. It was obvious that Qi Chu's tail had attracted his attention. Qi Chu also turned his head to look at his own tail. Only then did he realize that when he and Galle ate red berries, the berries had their own dyeing effect, so that Qi Chu's belly hair and tail were stained red, and it still hasn't faded.

Apparently the tiger was attracted by the conspicuous color of the tip of its own tail.

"No matter how big a cat is, it can't refuse a cat teaser, can it?" Qi Chu muttered to himself. When he was in school, he had fed food to wild cats. One of them was an orange cat. The orange cat was the fattest and the most edible. It was also very close to people. Qi Chu only needed a cat stick and a cat teaser, and he would become the most popular among the cats, so that when Qi Chu came, the group of cats came running.

The tiger in front of him looked really ferocious, but when it saw Qi Chu's tail, when it moved its head along with the tail, it really looked like a big orange cat, and Qi Chu's tail was a big cat teaser.

Qi Chu took a tentative step forward, then turned around not far from the tiger, and shook his tail very vigorously. With such a quick shake, let alone the tiger, even the wolves were attracted. In the end, Qi Chu was still caught by Huo Bei.

He raised his head and wanted to ask Huo Bei why he always had him in his mouth recently, and when he walked away with him in his mouth if he disagreed with him, Huo Bei put him down and taught him a lesson: "In the future, don't use your back to face your enemies, even your prey."

"..." The unreasonable Qi Chu nodded, his ears pulled down slightly, he looked at Huo Bei, hesitant to speak, paused, then stretched out his head to lick Huo Bei, rubbing against him flatteringly.

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