Besides, I used to get quite a few nightmares involving Leslie before we had that final goodbye in Imaginationland so I'm kind of used to it already. The ones where I didn't reach Karen before the ad did during the final battle with her kind were especially unpleasant.

(A/N: Chp 31 "Ctrl Alt Del")

And yet all those combined pale in comparison to the one I got that was basically a horrifying 'South Park x DDLC' crossover that featured Leslie as Monika, Wendy as Yuri, Red as Natsuki, and Bebe as Sayori.

I already knew how both sets of stories fucking went and yet that somehow made everything even worse for me throughout the entire dream. This nightmare also came right after a particularly grueling training session so it lasted nearly 20 damn hours on the outside (and it felt like a fucking year on the inside, especially during the section of the dream/game when I was trapped with just Leslie).

Thanks a lot for putting me through that, Kenny. You're a fucking dick for planting that idea into my head during our party at the White House.

(A/N: Invaded it with member berries during Chp 39 "Becoming a Member")

Just... ugh. Happy thoughts, Dovah.

While we're on the subject of relationships, I actually spent some time talking things over with the Wendisaster (Kenny's new nickname for a certain raven-haired girl) once the town was mostly rebuilt and Bezos was booted out alongside Amazon.

She and I talked a lot about the old, canon South Park (at least that's how I see it; I haven't told her about the isekai thing yet) and it was interesting hearing things from her perspective.

Stan and his group weren't really well liked since they were seen as the kids who always brought trouble to the town which isn't exactly inaccurate. It's not like people could just ignore them either. That's the downside of living in a small town, everyone is in everybody's business.

She really did care about Stan though despite the puking and self-centered problems he had. I mean it would be kind of hypocritical if she didn't, considering the list of problems she has herself.

She expressed her regret about certain events like the Photoshop thing in season 17's "The Hobbit" which I can understand since she basically dug her own grave there with her own actions. While not quite on the level of the adults, the kids here can be really stupid sometimes too despite being several decades old themselves at this point.

Just like in the show, she still tries to act all grown up a lot but I have more than enough experience with that thanks to being friends with Timmy for so long. Using that prior experience, I did my best to help her relax more. I also ended up going to Tweek for help with that and the three of us have begun doing hour-long meditation sessions 2-3 times a week at my place that have helped a ton.

Besides the things I already know, I learned some more stuff that they haven't talked about or featured on the show like the time Wendy went through some serious shit when she was six years old. She just needed someone to talk to and I could understand where she was coming from since I kind of needed the same.

(A/N: This is referencing her talk/texting session with Stan in Season 26 Episode 4, "Deep Learning". Dovah didn't know about this since he was sent to South Park before Season 26 came out in his reality. Also, it's never explicitly said what happened to her back then during that episode so not much I can do about details regarding that.)

She actually asked me if I knew whether or not we would start aging again a few weeks ago and I honestly don't know now that it's on my mind. I would assume not since we stopped Covid from happening which means Season 25 and on should still feature the South Park kids as kids, but that isn't something I can guarantee.

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