CH-21 Love and Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Well I was actually curious about what Naruto-sama's life was like before I met him and you seem to be the most knowledgeable about him." Haku told her and watched as Hinata's smile turned into a small frown.

"Well Naruto-kun's life wasn't all that good. For before we realized the reason just a little while ago, I had no idea why but before he got his bloodline a lot of people hated him. They basically tortured him for things that he didn't do and made is life miserable. Meanwhile I had to watch it all seeing as whenever I tried to help him my guards either refused to help protect him or he simply refused to accept any help I gave him out in pubic…I don't think he liked a lot of people during that time either thanks to that." She began still with her frown and watched as Haku's face began to have the same frown.

"Your wrong."


"He didn't refuse your help because he didn't like you but because when people hate you a lot they will go after even the people that try and help the 'hated one'…trust me I know." Haku told the girl remembering her own childhood before Zabuza found her. For before he did an older man tried to help her by giving her a home and a grandfather figure that even gave her enough food to survive. But soon enough she accidentally used her ice bloodline yet again and someone saw. So, rather than going after her again they first went after the old man forcing her to watch as he was punished for helping a 'demon child'. It truly was one of the worst memories she had of her life

"….okay I guess that makes sense." Hinata responded partially confused but a bit a bit happier. "Now after a while all of us went into school where while he always seemed to be doing something to get attention from our teacher who was one of the few people who gave him the time of day but also seemed to partially listen. Still in every test he was one of the worst scoring but never seemed to be that surprised by this fact…it almost seemed like he knew something about why it happened other than his study habits and did nothing to fix it...anyways after while he quickly began to prank a lot of people around the village. In fact, he even managed to prank a lot of the more 'regal' members of our clan in pranks that made them look like fools for a while." Hinata told the girl with a smile as she remembered the clan's reaction to some of the pranks.

"Hehe, I still remember how mad dad got at what has to be one of the bravest men in the village." Hanabi added in surprising her sister seeing as she never heard her laugh much or even seriously compliment anyone for years.

"Yes, anyways he did all of this for attention and even tried to constantly ask out Sakura just to get the negative attention she would give him…I always hated her for stealing his attention." Hinata began again before stopping to mumble the last part to herself in a voice that was just barely loud enough for the other two to hear. "Still eventually he became our classes dead last and was paired with the highest scoring of both the physical and mental part of our final tests…basically after that I have no real knowledge seeing as their training would of be closer to when my team was busy….not that I watched over him or anything." Hinata finished though quickly added the last part hopping the ice user wouldn't think of her as being a stalker.

"I see…thank you Hinata." Haku muttered clearly upset with what she heard. "So, his life was just as bad as mine if not even worse." She thought annoyed with the village she now lived in but soon used this new knowledge to get determined to make sure the rest of his life would be as enjoyable as she could make it.

"It is no problem Haku…you know I don't think I really care for my bento any more. Do you want to go get some ramen?" Hinata asked now that she was thinking about her boyfriend more.

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