You require part of your body to use it. Creating a spell that ceases that part's functions was all it took to take your greatest weapon away."

'Fuck, he can do that? Well, I know from Damien that there are plenty of weird ass satanic spells out there that alter the body like the one that turns people into duck-billed platypuses but I never thought of utilizing one in that way. This effect shouldn't last forever but I doubt the timer is very short either. Fuck!'

I try to force all my power into that area to destroy it, sort of like what I did with the Canadian Devil's spell but I'm having no such luck. Using Satanic Seal again doesn't work either since the fucking spell still isn't dispeled.

"The longer I stay here, the stronger I grow. I thrive off temptation which exists in a never ending supply wherever humanity resides. Even you attributed to this since there are many that would do anything to get you out of the way for good just like anyone who succeeds in achieving great power. You're strong, Dragonborn, but nobody can escape the power of temptation, not even you."

"Heh, maybe, but that's not gonna stop me from making this mountain town your grave, asshole."

We stare each other down, ready for round two. "If you think I rely solely on my time powers, then you clearly weren't paying attention during our last fight. And in case you've forgotten, you demonic fuck, I'm not alone this time around."

The ground beneath the demon gets covered in a thin layer of milk from Timmy's arms before it shoots upwards like a geyser, slowing him down. He then gets uppercutted by a light green bone hand before getting kicked right in the gut by yours truly.

He stops himself midair and launches dozens of Pentakill fire blasts at us which we all do our best to avoid. Kenny summons his unicorn abomination again to charge in at ManBearPig while I fly above him and rain down Power Binds and Dark Whispers to hold him in place.

He avoids and/or grabs the chains but gets grabbed by the bone hands coming from said chains and is pierced in the gut dead on by the undead unicorn. He roars and spits out blood as he breaks free and rips the horn out of him before biting the unicorn's head off and tossing it aside.

Timmy blasts into the air using his wheelchair and commands the meteors he gathered from the demon's earlier attack to surround him. ManBearPig puts his guard up but the telekinesis attack was a feint and he gets kicked down into the ground by bone hands coming from Kenny's feet instead.

Yes, shoes do in fact count as solid objects, ManBearBitch. There are no issues with using Ghastly Grasp to sprout bone hands from them.

The actual attack Timmy prepared was a psychic restraint that mimics the effects of the gravity chamber he made a few years ago. This gets amplified the smaller the AOE is and when it's focused on one point, aka ManBearPig, then the force of over a hundred times Earth's gravity is placed on said point.

Zarganor's telekinetic powers added onto Timmy's own makes for a terrifying combination.

He roars at us while repelling Timmy's psychic hold with his own but then gets hit in the back by the unicorn from earlier along with the meteors Timmy collected earlier. Having its head destroyed wasn't enough to kill it in Stick of Truth and it isn't enough to kill it now.

Kenny and I then bring out the rest of our summons from vultures to hellhounds to NZ rats to NZ Death and have them swarm the rampaging beast while we fly back to either side of it.

Timmy summons his own milk spawn to assist and uses his telepathy to force the demon down again as Kenny and I charge up Prominence Burns from opposite sides of him.

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