Chapter 9: Redemption: Part Seven.

Start from the beginning

"But it will hurt!"

The Angel did not speak.

"And besides I don't think that I can hold on any longer!"

The Angel did not speak.

"I said I think I'm slipping, I can't hold on any longer I..." My hand let go, "Ahhhhh!!!!!" I closed my eyes. Nothing happened, but it happened quickly....

 We flew on.

"You may not be able to hold on any longer, however, I can!"

       "OK, yes, but how long?" I said regaining my grip, white-knuckled.

"For long enough..." he then turned his head and smiled at me.

"Oh no!" I thought to myself, "Not that smile again!" Then I spoke aloud, "Er, I don't wish to be rude, but shouldn't you be looking where you're going? We might crash into something?"

       "Had you anything in mind? Look and tell me what you see?"

I had to admit it, there was nothing there, and so I didn't admit it, I kept silent.

"Let this be a lesson to you Son of Adam. When the Lord God has hold of your hand, He will never let go of you! You can trust Him, as He is faithful, He is true. Yet if you let go, for whatever reason, He has not let go, just like I have not!" The Angel turned his head and left me to think in my private thoughts or were they private? Everyone up here seemed to know everything about anything, including what I was thinking; quite unsettling that, I can tell you.

 I began to notice what appeared to be shooting stars crossing the 'sky' (for want of a better word) in front of us. Even though there was plenty of light (which I could not give an account of what was its source, as there was no sun shining, yet plenty of light), the shooting star's light was intense.

"They are not as you suppose," commented the Angel. There he goes again, reading my thoughts!

"They are the Angelic hosts travelling to and fro from the Throne Room of the Almighty God, the One True God, Yahweh, the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob. Sitting at the right hand of the Father, is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is sitting as He has conquered all of His enemies, being Satan, sin, the grave and death, by His sacrificial death upon the Cross of Calvary."

Then I saw a mass of white clouds, gigantic clouds, with lightning and fire issuing from the clouds. Thunder rolled across the vastness between us and the clouds. My heart leapt into my mouth and a fear gripped me (not a 'fear' such as one has of snakes or spiders, but AWE) I trembled and felt weak. We flew at great speed and the chasm of space between us soon closed. I could clearly distinguish massive lightning bolts crossing back and forth within the white clouds and Angels entering into this appeared unperturbed by all the goings on.

 I must admit in being a bit of a coward at this point of entering the cloud structure, as I closed my eyes. I felt the moisture of the clouds upon my body and my ears were bombarded with the sound of thunder; thunder that never existed on planet earth! Each sonic wave passed through my body as a titanic wave which seemed to dislodge every molecule of my being.

"Who is this God who inhabits such awesome power?" I question myself.

 We landed gently enough, yet my legs felt extremely weak just being in such surroundings. The Angel noticed and somehow he strengthened me. He stretched out his hand and a transparent wave of energy shot out of the end of his fingers straight into my body. I could see this wave of energy in the same way that on a hot day you can see the heat coming off a road, if you are looking at the right angle. Immediately strength entered my body and I felt better.

"Walk through the curtains of light!" My healing Angel commanded me.

Suddenly the swirling mists cleared in front of me and there, right before me was an enormous curtain of dusty orange light.

"Do not trouble yourself, this is light and not flame," the Angel smiled one last time before literally disappearing before my very eyes.

 I did as I was bid. As I passed through the first curtain of light, I say first for there were several. I felt an overwhelming feeling of forgiveness. This dusty orange curtain of light was probably more than 10 feet thick, as every curtain after was of a similar size. Each step I took meant that forgiveness flooded my soul. The power was so intense that I reeled back a bit in my body, jolting movements a bit like ducking quickly to avoid a bird that is dive-bombing you because you are getting too close to its nest.

 The next curtain colour was a sandy yellow and with it brought a feeling of grace, great grace. My body twitched again as I proceeded through; then blood red – love. Yes, love has a colour and it IS blood red and this love was like no love I had ever experienced before. It filled my every sense. It flooded down through my body like someone was pouring warm liquid honey from the top of my head to the souls of my feet. Tears filled my eyes and the dam was finally broken...

 Next came a plum purple for faithfulness, the next justice and the next was mercy. Mercy was several colours all mixed together a bit like being made up of justice, love and forgiveness. Other curtains were acceptance, gentleness and beauty and each had its own colour and sensation. By the time I had traversed these collections of curtains I was completely undone as a person. I do not mean in a negative way, in fact far from it!

 The mists slowly cleared in front of me and there it was – the Throne Room of God the Almighty!

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