"Noi! Don't die on me! Get your butt up!"
"Ugh... , " Noi opened his eyes slightly as he noticed another white figure attacking the serpent , by knowledge , he only know one white snake other than the arrogant one , he whispered , "Sunny..."

The white snake bit the serpent by the body as it tossed its opponent far away , with the serpent coughing out blood. The snake slithered its way towards the serpent as its brown eyes turned fierce as the light brown flickered to neon green and sending fear to the serpent.

"Alright , alright! You win! Geez!"
"Knee he he , glad you know your place."
The snake giggled as it slithered its way to the Daemos and looked at the unconscious demon.

"How much you damaged him?"
"Might just block some blood vessels... Not much seriously.."
"Mother told us straight away blind their eyes first , you're clearly disobeying her."
"It was easier and faster for them to die!"
The serpent argued as Leif told them to shut up and their screaming won't help much with Noi's unconsciousness.

"Allow him... please."
The snake pleaded as Asch motioned to let the snake to hold Noi by the tail. 

"What?! ME?! Sunny you know how much I was-"
"Do it , before I told Mother you used the freezing magic for unnecessary needs."
The snake hissed and its body wrapped around Noi's body as it begun to glow. The green glow diffuse across its scales throughout its body and Noi's body shined alongside.

Noi's eyes flickered open as he face-to-face with the familiar two snakes and smiled at the brown-eyed snake.
"Fear not , I have arrived , Noi."

"Don't tell me... You two were acquaintances?!"
"Have that happened to be a disturbing matter for you?" 
"I , or the people of Medonax would be less exciting to hear the princess of Medonax was friends with demons of the most disturbing tale throughout history."
Noi's eyes widened as he turned to Sunny in shock.

"P-Princess? Of Medonax? Sunny-"
"There's a reason I would not want to expose my family background."
Sunny have her tail wrapped around her neck.

"Wait a minute. You're telling me , Noi met Sunny beforehand , who happened to be Princess of Medonax?!"
Leif questioned in shock as Noi claimed it to be correct.

"I gotta say the environment in Daemos wasn't as awful as I was told. Talk about the meat and the comfy bed for Noi~"
"You truly have a lot of secrets hiding from me."
Asch said with a quite pissed off tone while Noi remain stunned by the new piece of information that he had just received.

Princess of Medonax?!
Princess of the enemy kingdom?!
Who he have befriended and provided hospitality towards?!

"Legit , can we drop the form? If it's not the sake of Mother , I have to stay in this form whenever I went out."
"You know Mother would- You know what? I need to rest for a while. This form wasted a bunch of my magic..."
The serpent said as it and Sunny was emerged under a green mist and the shadows of the snakes vanished , appearing to be two shadows of human beings.

"Ah~ Yes , this form was better."
"It might be better if we just get things quick. We wouldn't want guards to come look for us."
"Please , I need to have my human form to talk to my student."
As Noi questioned , a lady stepped out of the mist and stood in front of Noi , making the boy to flush red for a second or two.

Sunny was dressed in a dark green turtleneck crop top with its sleeves having a diamond shaped hole. Above her black flats , black sweatpants and a belt with white fur and a badge was found. A white snake tail was found swinging behind and a pendant was hung around her neck.

She bowed down and looked at Noi with her brown eyes where one was covered by her long white fringe. She examined the flustered demon as she commented , "You're shorter than I expected." The shyness shifted to embarrassment as Noi shouted at her for being average height in Daemos.

"Hold on , young lady! You didn't tell me that he was your student! You know how Mother was much pissed off when she last heard you being a mentor!"
A man walked out of the mist that then vanished in a split second in the woods. 

He appeared to be taller than the feminine being. By his brown hair that have some white tips , there's a pair of rectangular framed glasses with a pencil resting by his pierced ears. He was dressed in a white v-neck shirt with a dark blue sleeveless shirt on top. He wore brown sandals with dark blue jeans , along with belt that was accessories with chains and a bottle of ink and feathers. There's a tattoo drawn on his arm , appearing to be the letter A , and a badge similar to the girl's , with addition of a tail.

"Varon , for the last time , quit mentioning that person! We have stopped meeting up , thanks to your little speaker like mouth!"
"He was trying to hook you up for the Moon's sake , Sunny! I have the authority and rights to protect you , as being your brother!"
Sunny grunted as the two begun to fight. Noi panicked as he rushed towards Sunny and straight hugged her by the waist , while murmuring not to fight anymore before hurting each other.

"Hey salmon head , get the heck away from my sister!"
The man , or named Varon hissed as Sunny hissed back at him before claiming Noi can do whatever he wanted and hugged him back , like a plush.

Noi was blushing red as his face was... well... laying somewhere quite soft of Sunny.
Leif and the other Daemos on the other hand , was quite confused by Noi and Sunny's reaction.
"Heh , well you look at that , the demon who was claimed to be weak beforehand was now in the arms of a woman. Heh , ain't it interesting for a tale to be told."
"I'm still pissed off the fact Noi never told me the fact he was friends with the Princess of Medonax and trained by her. We could've just let her to ask if Rhal and Ava was still alive."
Asch whispered the last of his words as silent as possible. But seriously , he didn't expect snakes to be sensitive to sound.

"Oh? That human and the other demon that look a lot like you , but more arrogant?"
"Pfft- Sure , that would be him for sure. But how are we meant to even reach the kingdom that appeared to be quite far away from the woods?"
Asch laughed a bit before switched back to his stern look as he questioned Sunny.

"Well , that would offend your highness a little... But at least better than being froze to stone."
Sunny said as she let go of Noi and walked towards a tree. She pressed her hands by a tree stomp before... smacking her head hard enough to form a scar and bleed?!? 

That's not all.

She proceeded by screaming up to the top of her lungs , making the Daemos questioned her doings. Before they could even ask Varon , they found him stabbing himself with his a sharp branch found out of nowhere.

"What the hell man?! We'll be-"
"Your highness!! We have heard your screams! What happened?!"
Leif muttered the last of his words as guards appeared out of nowhere. Maybe from the palace? Or coincidence patrolling in the woods?

"Take these criminals back for rightful judgement for my Mother. They have harmed the both of us. I also required medical attention for our injuries. This is an order from your princess."
Sunny said in a demanding tone as the guards obeyed and dragged the Daemos who're screaming for being incredibly confused with the two royal's actions.

Hiss of Deception & Protection(Leif x OC)Where stories live. Discover now