What's Next? The Mafia Royalty Series

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Hey everyone! We've reached the end of Mafia Games. I hope everyone enjoyed this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it! The amount of times I fangirled over my own characters was plenty. Xander will always have my heart.🙈🤭

So what's next?

Well, I'm glad you've asked. Xander and Sienna's story is nowhere near over. There's a lot more action to come!

Book 2 is called Mafia Wars. Down below is a short story description and the date that the book will be released.

It's time to get serious

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It's time to get serious...

The games are over. The wives have been chosen and the family hierarchy has altered. Changes are coming to the Roscotto family, changes no one ever expected.

After the attack on the family, the head has fallen, meaning that it was time for Xander to take his rightful place as the new King with his beautiful Queen Sienna by his side.

However, just as the both of them seem to have gotten closer, secrets and betrayal arises as new and old enemies start to make an appearance.

Short Preview

"Even as I stare at the gun in my face. I will not move, Amorina. My heart is in your hands. It'll continue to beat for you until you stop it. So pull the trigger if my death is really what you desire to see." ~ Xander Roscotto

My original plans were to start writing Book 2 for Mafia Wars in December as I had other projects that I needed to focus on. Mainly 'The Secret Society' and 'Scream for Me'. However, I started having a change of heart. I feel like it is better for me to keep those two on pause as I focus on the Mafia Royalty Series for the time being. However, Mafia Wars will not be released until November. I know, it's a long wait but during these next few months I will be writing and editing the Mafia Wars in preparation for November. I feel like this is better for me as I don't have to concern myself with deadlines and I'll have enough time to properly structure the book and make sure that you guys get some good quality content. (I'm a very slow editor which is why I'm mostly doing this)

As I said under the due dates section, my main focus in these upcoming months will be on the Mafia Royalty Series. All of my other works will be paused. I realized that it's hard for me to update more than one book at a time and I hate working with deadlines so I apologize for anyone who's been inconvenienced by my pause on my other novels. I do believe that I will try and write The Chances We Take along with Mafia Wars but it's not confirmed as yet. If that doesn't happen, I'll more than likely start that book in November/December as I originally intended.


Are you excited!? I'm excited! I am so happy that I'm finally making progress on my stories! I estimate that I'll end this year with at least three completed novels to my name and then there will be even more to come next year. I really love writing and it's been so fun bringing my ideas to life and watching my characters develop. Not only that, but my skills as an aspiring author are also improving as I continue to write. I thank everyone who's been supporting me by liking and commenting on my stories! You guys mean the world to me.❤️ Thank you Thank you Thank you! 🙏🏽

I have to say that I am very satisfied with how this book turned out. It wasn't rushed, or did it give me any trouble writing because I properly outlined it, I knew where the story was going and I knew what I wanted to write. The only thing I have to complain about is the editing. God, I hate editing but it was so necessary.😭 I loved that there wasn't much pressure on me as I didn't have to concern myself with weekly updates and just wrote whenever I felt like it. Sometimes I'd write 2 chapters a day or a few chapters a week then skip the next week and start again until the story fully developed.

Follow me if you want to keep up with updates on what I've been doing, the projects I'm working on and what else is in the back burner to come. (Trust me when I say. There is a LOT to come.)

I once again thank everyone for reading and I will see you all in November! Stay safe❤️🙏🏽


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