Chapter 13

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Sienna's POV

Beady eyes.

"Those cruel eyes that watched me from below."

Creepy smile.

"That wicked smile that curled his lips."

The blood on his hands.

"Blood on his hands, pain he'll never know."

It wasn't alive! The teddy bear couldn't feel any pain!

I glimpsed a small picture that was being clutched beneath the teddy bear's arms and squealed as I quickly ran to pick up the Polaroid. It was the picture of a man, different from the man that the little girl was seen smiling with in the other photos. The picture almost seemed like a mugshot with how serious his expression was. His eyes were scary as if they were diving into your soul to carve it out.

Was this the man that tortured that poor woman and her child?

I turned the photo around and saw four numbers engraved into the corner.


"Hey Neo, try 1296," I called out anxiously, watching with hopeful eyes as Neo went and punched in the numbers.

He turned the doorknob and opened the door. I sighed in relief. 

Neo grinned at me. "I know I chose you for a reason, Ms. Detective. The final room and that money is mine."

He quickly slipped through the door and I quickly went and pulled Renae away from the toys.

"It's time to go, Renae," I muttered against her protest, lifting her and following behind the old woman as we entered the final room.

The game was almost over. I was beyond excited.

The room was mostly empty. Besides the sofa that sat against the wall, there was nothing to note except for the two doors ahead and the large sign in the middle of them.

I placed Renae down and walked toward the sign. My stomach sank further and further the more I read.

I knew things weren't as simple as they seemed.

This was where the catch came in.

The sign said, 'Only three people will be allowed to leave this room. One of you will die. There are two doors, no riddles, and no locks. Both doors must be opened at the same time. The right door leads to death and the left door leads to life. Choose carefully."

"What bullshit is this?" I couldn't help but exclaim as I took in the instructions. This was sentencing one of us to death. What were they playing at?

Neo whistled. "So that's why they had us sign life or death contracts. I don't know about you, but I'm opening the life door."

"Do we have to look for more keys?" Renae looked up at me and asked. I shook my head with a frown, not sure how I was supposed to deal with this information.

I caught Neo's gaze bouncing between Renae and the old woman and narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't you dare think about it," I warned.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just thinking. We have more than enough time to make a decision. I already have my answer. I'm just waiting for you to figure out yours."

I snorted and turned away from him. "Only now you want to talk like you're grown."

"You're deflecting." He sang as I went to sit on the sofa. The old lady was already there, silently observing us.

I leaned forward to bury my face in my hands, frustrated. My heart was raging at me. The words were literally on the tip of my tongue yet I couldn't say them.

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