Chapter 2

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Sienna's POV

Have you ever woke up in a terrible mood and just know today was not going to be your day?

Well, yes. I've had a series of unfortunate events all day long. Starting from when I missed my alarm for work that morning, to me hustling and trying to make it to work on time. Which then made me skip breakfast and forget to walk with an important document I needed for the business meeting. When I got outside, the rain chose that exact moment to be a bitch. I kid you not. Weather forecasting is an important profession, I've come to realize.

I felt like all of this was just karma. I must have fucked someone's husband unknowingly.

However, my day did not end there.

I had to run in the rain because I didn't walk with an umbrella. I tripped over a puddle, destroying my phone in the process. I couldn't call my boss, nor anyone else to explain that I was going to be late. I almost cried myself into oblivion on the side of that street.

In the end, I chose to head back home, my mood already at its lowest. I didn't want to stay out and find out if it could get any lower.

When I got home, I had to take a hot shower and grabbed some hot coffee. Since I had already resigned myself to my fate, I didn't rush myself as I left for work for the second time that morning. When I got to work, I was over two hours late and had missed half the meeting already.

My boss chewed me out like crazy and gave me a warning. I deserved it but I wasn't too happy about it either. My phone was gone and I had promised to call my little sister, Selena, who was currently in Paris as a foreign exchange student.

Now, sitting behind my work desk, I typed away at my computer screen intently, refusing to let my mind wander as I consolidated the company's financial statements.

My desk mate, Andrew, leaned over curiously and eyed my gloomy expression. "You alright? You came a bit later than usual today."

Focus on yourself, Andrew. My battery was at 2% and if I heard another one of your lowlife pickup lines, I was going to take this mouse and wrap the cord around your neck. 

I muttered as I recalled my eventful morning, "I swear someone is trying to fuck me over. I forgot the documents at home twice today! I literally went back home and still forgot them! Ruined my favorite dress and almost sprained my fucking ankles. But hey! I'm alive so that means life gets better right?"

He chuckled and suggested, "Sounds like what you need is some food to calm down. Should I buy you lunch to make up for your misfortune?"

Should I take that food and shove it down your throat?

I waved a dismissive hand and sighed. "I'm skipping lunch today. I already missed two hours of work so now I'm behind schedule."

"I can buy you some lunch and bring it here then," he insisted.

Was I hungry right now? Even if I was, taking it from him was a major no-no.

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "It's fine. I don't want to trouble you."

Especially since I knew about your very obvious crush. As much as I'd love to give a nice guy like you a chance, I just couldn't get past that huge mole under your left eye. Call me superficial or whatever, but I wanted to be able to swoon over my man and not cringe every time he looked at me. Was I the bad guy? Yeah sure, whatever. I'd take it.

I giggled as I thought about Selena's reaction to me bringing home a guy like Andrew.

Could imagine her saying now. "So... you're finally choosing them for their personality, huh? Can you live with a face like that? The girl who cried when her super cute boyfriend in high school got into an accident and scarred his face?"

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