Chapter 14

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Sienna's POV

I stared out of the window absentmindedly as the events that occurred today overplayed in my mind on a loop. Why was that last room necessary? Just blatantly killing someone like that. It made no sense.

Although I was very happy that I made it through alive, I was dissatisfied with the game itself. What was the point?

The moment he heard that I had been released from the escape room, Xander came to pick me up and I had to leave Gabriella there crying her heart out. It seemed that she and Krystie had gotten close. I was more distraught than I was sad though. These games were too unpredictable. I was so relaxed in the first two rooms that the third room caught me completely off guard and made me reevaluate my morals as a person. I was willing to sacrifice everyone in that room to save myself and the thought scared me.

Xander, who was busy typing away at his phone, spoke without looking up. "The results are in."

I looked over at him in confusion. "Results?"

He nodded. "For the first game. Only today's results though. Of the 68 women that participated, 47 made it through the game, meaning 21 died. Of the 21, 15 were dubbed indecisive love, and 6 were dubbed selfless love. You, my lovely wife, were dubbed decisive love."

I frowned at him. "What are you talking about?"

"The theme for this game was love. Each wife is judged by the type of love they portray throughout the game. There were four types of Love. Indecisive, decisive, selfless, and selfish. Depending on how you performed during the game, your title is given. Yours was decisive because you were rational instead of emotional. You chose to sacrifice the elder who was a liability to your group and you did it within a short period."

"I don't feel good about it either," I mumbled, turning my eyes back out the window. "She made me promise to send her grandson off to his aunt safely and give the remainder of the money to his aunt. Can you do that for me?"

"Oh? Is that your request as my wife?"


"Then where's the sincerity?"

I turned to shoot him a nasty look but all I got were expectant eyes in return. He tapped his lips as if indicating how exactly he wanted me to be sincere and smiled cheekily.

His smile lit up his face and caused my heart to melt. Why did he have to be so goddamn handsome?

Was this the time or place for this?

Despite my thoughts, I shifted in my seat until I was close enough and leaned across to place a small peck on his lips. I quickly pulled away and stated. "There's my sincerity, so do me this favor... please."

He raised an eyebrow, unsatisfied. "Am I your charity case? What was that?"

My lips twitched as I tried to hold back a smile. I leaned over again to give him another peck but before I could pull away, his arms were caged around me. His mouth captured mine with a force that had me gasping. I was pulled onto his lap more comfortably, my hands wrapping around his neck as the kiss deepened. His hand creeped its way onto my thigh and he hoisted me up until I was straddling him.

Heat pooled into my lower stomach as my pussy began to throb in anticipation. Suddenly, the air was hot with tension as our tongues fought. My eyes clouded as I felt his arousal under me and he pulled away. I bit down lightly on his bottom lip.

"Fuck." He swore, grabbing a hold of my hand and placing it on the bulge in his pants. "You see what you do to me?"

My stomach flipped as my face flushed with embarrassment. I pulled back my hand and asked. "Does this mean you'll do me the favor?"

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