Chapter 38

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Sienna's POV

I yawned as I slowly woke up the next morning. I turned over in bed and found that I was alone, as usual. I took up my phone that lay next to my head and checked the time. It was a little after 8 am.

Xander really was an early bird.

I yawned and cuddled back into my sheets, closing my eyes to continue resting. A few minutes later the bedroom door opened and a delicious scent wafted through the air.

I blinked my eyes open and sat up in bed, my arms stretching above my head.

"Is that breakfast?" I asked groggily as Xander approached the bed with a tray in his arms.

"I had the chef whip us up something good. We've got a long day ahead of us."

I squinted up at him as he placed the tray on my lap. "We do?"

"Of course. We're currently in the city of love. You said we've never been on an actual date before right? What better time and place to have one if not now? We're leaving tomorrow. You came and got the proof that you wanted. There's nothing else to do but have fun. I laid your outfit on the sofa. Eat up so we can start our day adventure."

"Really? Where are we going?"

A mischievous look entered his eyes as he said. "Everywhere."

And boy he meant it. The second I had gotten dressed and ready, we were out of the house. Xander rented a vehicle so that it would be just the two of us.

We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon sightseeing and going to places that left my mouth wide open in awe. I loved every bit of it and understood why it was called the city of love.

We went to the Louvre Museum.

"Xander! Don't touch." I slapped his hand away as he tried touching the painting I was looking at.

He rolled his eyes. "If you like it so much. I'll just buy it."

"Even if you're rich, you can't even think to afford that."

"Then I'll steal it."

"Leave it alone!"

Then we went to the Palace of Versailles and took the tour with the garden access.

I hissed as I pushed Xander's wandering hands off my ass. "We're in public!"


"Control yourself for once in your life." I glanced at the others who were on tour with us to make sure they weren't focused on Xander's sticky fingers. I swore his hands had barely ever left me since we left the house.

"Amorina, there's no control when you're involved."

I sped walked ahead of him.

We also took a 1-hour river seine cruise.

My wide eyes took in the beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower as I recorded it with my phone. The buildings had an amazing architecture that I marveled at the more I looked.

Xander sat next to me, typing away on his phone. Seeming to be uninterested in the view around us. Not that I minded since his attention was finally off of me for the first time today.

The old lady that sat next to me glanced between us and shook her head, leaning over to whisper loud enough for the both of us to hear. "Young lady. You seem like a genuinely nice girl. Why are you with such a man?"

I glanced at her in surprise. "What do you mean?"

Xander glanced up at us with a raised eyebrow.

The woman huffed and gave him a nasty look before smiling kindly at me. "It's just that you and your boyfriend here seem to be polar opposites. I can see in your eyes that you long for adventure and romance. I have a son that just turned 26. A lovely young man who's very ambitious and bright. He's really into archeology so you know he'd have many adventurous stories for you to he-"

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