Chapter 16

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Sienna's POV

Xander outdid himself.

The dress he chose for me this time was a classic.

It was a black one-sleeve maxi dress with a cape detailing an arm, and a side split trailing a little too dangerously up my leg. I noticed that his favorite color was black. Of course, it was. Half the male population had black as their favorite color. It got old fast.

My accessories were gold. My watch, rings, and earrings were beautifully crafted and I knew they were worth thousands without even having to ask. My heels were black with a gold snake-like strap wrapping itself around my leg. The entire outfit was gorgeous and it didn't show off any more than it needed to. I was surprised he didn't pick a dress that showed more cleavage, but I wasn't complaining.

I looked gorgeous and high class, something I wasn't accustomed to but didn't oppose in the slightest.

My hair was already done by the hairstylist earlier that evening and I was absolutely in love. It was another lace wig, but this time it was a complete 360 lace that was glued so well, it was giving scalp. It was placed into a messy bun with a few curly strands hanging loose down my face. My makeup also didn't disappoint. My dark red lip combo was to die for and I remembered thanking the makeup artist so much she sprinted out of the house to get away from me.

Now, I stood in front of the full-length mirror in the closet, trying to clasp the gold necklace around my neck. Xander was in the background buttoning up his dress shirt, for some reason he insisted we got dressed together.

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as the necklace just wouldn't clasp. Xander glanced over at me in amusement. "Need help?"

"Focus on yourself." I refuted, clearly annoyed with the damn thing. I refused to believe I couldn't get it clasped.

Xander chuckled and approached me from behind, taking hold of my fumbling fingers and pushing them aside so that he could do it. I glared at him through the mirror but allowed him to do it nonetheless. His fingers grazed my neck as he clasped the necklace in place and I felt a shiver travel down my spine as our gazes clashed through the mirror.

A wicked smirk curled his lips as he ran his eyes down my body in appreciation. His mouth opened as he mouthed. "Mine."

I rolled my eyes and tried to step away. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"Stay there." He ordered then turned around to open a cupboard in the room that had my eyebrows shooting up in surprise. Guns were hanging inside.

He pulled out a holster and came back to kneel on one knee in front of me. He slid a hand slowly up my leg, causing my insides to twist as tingles followed his touch.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wide-eyed and looking down at him.

He glanced up at me with a wicked glint in his eyes and murmured. "It's a safety precaution."

Safety precaution? For my heart? Fuck.

He clasped my thigh and securely wrapped the holster around it, pulling on the straps to make sure it was tight. My stomach flipped when he leaned his head forward to place a kiss on my inner thigh and instinctively my leg kicked out as I murmured, "Ooooh God."

Xander caught my leg and I quickly wiggled away from his touch as I felt my arousal pool in my panties. My heart was racing.

Xander chuckled, seemingly unfazed, and stood up to grab a pistol and hand it to me. "Strap this in."

I grabbed the pistol and placed it into the holster. "I doubt I'll remember I have this if a shootout happens."

"It's more for me than it is for you. Easy access."

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