Chapter 22

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Sienna's POV

It was time.

All remaining wife candidates stood in a line across from the large expanse of trees. The forest. This was where the second test was to be conducted. I had just arrived and quickly fell in line next to Gabriella. The both of us held onto each other as we faced Simon, ready to hear the rules of this game. What unnerved me most was the two masked figures standing beside him, a shotgun clutched in their arms.

Xander and the other men had already left. They didn't want to wait around all day for us to finish. I didn't blame them. This was another early morning game so I assumed it was going to last the entire day like the last time.

"Alright ladies, play time is over. The theme of this game is strength. Prove that you're strong enough to survive this family. I will be honest by saying that this is one of the hardest games we've set for the year. Whether you survive is completely up to luck. Rest assured. After completing this challenge, you'll be one step closer to becoming official members of the Roscotto family. Are you ready?"


What kind of speech was that? I wasn't the least bit motivated. Gabriella's hold tightened as she glanced at me with an anxious smile. "Sounds fun, right?"

I snorted. "I'm excited."

"The rules of this game are as follows. Survive the woods. Think of it as a game of hide and seek. Every woman here will be given a five minutes head start. Run for your life. You either run until you've reached the other side of this forest or hide until the timer runs out. It's up to you. However, Agent Black and Agent White here," he gestured towards the masked figures. "They'll be the predator and you, their prey. Don't let them get you. The moment you're in sight, they have full permission to pull that trigger. Any questions?"

Chatter immediately filled the air as women nervously talked to their companions. Everyone was antsy after hearing the rules of this second game.

Now I understood why Xander prepared me like he did yesterday. I knew this game was going to be a lot harder than the last, but this was ridiculous. Weren't they just trying to kill us off?

Gabriella tightened her hold on my arm and leaned in to ask. "We staying together?"

I nodded, my lips pulling into a straight line as I thought of what was about to go down.

For some strange reason, I wasn't as anxious as I thought I would be. Compared to the first game, I was much more composed. I didn't know if it was maybe Xander's confidence in me that had my heart at ease or if I had just come to terms with the fact that I could die at any moment. There wasn't anything I could do.

"Are you saying that we'll be running from those masked men while they shoot at us?" A wife candidate asked.

The instructor nodded. "Essentially, yeah."

"How long do we have to stay in the forest?" Another asked.

"The time limit for this game is the entire day. It's 8:50 right now. The timer is set for 9 and it ends at 6 pm. You'll have to survive 10 hours in those woods."

"How are we going to outrun trained professionals?"

The instructor smirked and replied, "You'd be surprised. The 'professionals' aren't as skilled as you'd think."

"This is bullshit! These entire games are bullshit! I refuse to participate in this sick game!" One of the wife candidates stepped out of the crowd, startling the majority of us. "You're treating us like animals you took in and raised. This isn't a farm. I refuse to play."

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