Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! Before we get into the story, I'd just like to give a proper warning to those who ignored the dark romance tag. This story is clearly a dark romance.

In this story, there will be dubious consent, extreme violence, forms of torture, and mild manipulation. To all the women who have lost a child before, please take caution. Read at your own risk.

Edit: I have been getting complaints about the cruelty in this chapter a lot and I feel like this is necessary for me to address since it's mostly my fault. I wanted to go for a more realistic version of the mafia, thus why I said this book contains extreme violence. There's one section in this chapter that I need to address, however. When Xander stabbed the pregnant woman, I never stated that she lost the baby. Actually, in my original draft, it was stated that she didn't lose the baby. Xander did it as a warning to say that she will lose the baby if they didn't pay what they owe. I see now that I should've left that part in since people are coming for me for being 'sick' in the head. I guess most people don't understand what dark means. The mafia world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I will not portray it as such so if you cannot handle it, please do not go beyond this point. I'm tired of the complaints. A warning is called a warning for a reason. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Xander's POV

The man's scream reverberated in my ears as the sound of bones breaking echoed throughout the room.

I gestured for my cousin Andrei to tie the man's broken arm to the back of the chair he sat on. I pulled a chair over to sit down in front of him. Now that I had stated my intentions, it was time to negotiate.

I loved a good heart-to-heart conversation with my debtors.

However, the scent of piss permeated the air and caused my nose to wrinkle in disgust. "Are you not a grown man? Control your bladder, next time. Will you?"

The man quickly nodded his head.

I reached into my suit jacket and took out a cigar then lit it. I took a deep inhale and sighed. Smoke filled the air in front of me and I lightly fanned it away.

To my left was a pretty lady who was very heavily pregnant and her little daughter huddled in a corner. They were silently crying as they witnessed their husband and father sucking up to me while in pain.

"What day is it?" I asked the man.

His voice came out strained as he replied. "It's Friday."

I hummed and took another puff. "Mmm, and when was your last payment due?"

The man hesitated. "Last week."

I nodded. "That's right. I gave you three chances to pay me my money. I'm never this generous so why did you take advantage?"

He lowered his head in shame.

I glanced at Andrei and gestured toward the man. Andrei understood and yanked his head back so he could stare at me through his swollen black eyes.

I pointed at his wife and daughter. "Look at what you did. Your wife and kid have to see you in such a state in your own home. Why didn't you pay me my money? Hm?"

The man opened his mouth to speak but the pain was too much. The only sound that came out was his gasps for air.

My lips tugged down in disapproval. I barely did anything to him. I leaned forward and raised my cigar to his tongue to press down and extinguish the flames.

The man's body convulsed as he groaned and immediately reeled back.

I flicked the cigar aside. "Speak up. I don't like talking to idiots."

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