Chapter 7

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Dinner was over. I sat at a table with Xander and his family, quietly sitting by his side as they discussed among themselves. I noticed that one of Xaeen's wife candidates kept glancing at me weirdly but I completely ignored her gaze and continued to pick on my food that I didn't finish.

By listening to the conversations going on around me, I managed to retain a bit of information. For example, Xander had a little sister who was currently working abroad as a model. Xaeen's three wives were called Genevieve, Rena, and Brooke. Xavier was the name of Xander's father. I guess the Xs were a trend and Christina loved to knit. Most of that information was useful.

The hall was bustling with noise as the men talked and laughed among each other, music playing softly in the background.

The socializing had begun. The wives were now forming groups, approaching each other and whispering in their corners. I had my chin in my palm as my eyes carefully observed the different scenes around me.

I spied a group of women talking, glancing everywhere but at the person they were talking to. I dubbed that group the antsy women. They looked like one little touch would have them jumping out of their skins. I bet their hearts were racing like crazy at the moment. I didn't blame them.

I spied a three-woman group sitting at a table, smiling comfortably at each other. They didn't at all seem worried about their situation, as if they had expected this. Made me wonder if maybe some of these women were here voluntarily.

"So Sienna, I love your name." Xaeen, who sat across from me leaned forward, his eyes swirling with interest. "You've been quiet this entire time. I'm dying to know where Xander found you. I thought this year's spotlight was going to be on me, after all."

I turned my attention to him and smiled tightly. "Well, I was kidnapped from a park after having a very shitty day."

He chuckled. "You seem very calm for someone who's been kidnapped against her will."

I shrugged helplessly. "Should I scream instead?"

My body tensed up as I felt a foot under the table lightly trail my leg. My eyes narrowed at Xaeen's flirtatious smile.

His lips curled as he muttered, "It's up to you. We don't mind a little noise."

I shuffled my feet away to avoid what I guessed was his feet since Xander wasn't in the best position to play with me and deadpanned, "Right. Well, I think I'd rather not."

Xaeen's smile widened as if my clear disgust meant nothing and gestured toward the women sitting beside him. "Have you met my wife candidates? Unlike my brother, I like to weigh my options heavily."

Xander paused his conversation with his father to glance over at his brother and said, "Indecisiveness gets you killed, Xaeen."

Xaeen shrugged and chuckled in response.

I turned to smile awkwardly at the three women. Rena and Brooke smiled back at me awkwardly yet didn't speak. Genevieve simply glanced at me then turned her head away and started making conversation with Christina.

Okay... I guess I wasn't too liked at the moment. Though I had no idea why since I'd never met them before. Were they jealous?

"Uncle, Xander, Aunt Christina, hey." A tall, well-built man approached the table with three females trailing behind him. One of the females had her head bent shyly, the other wore a blank expression and the last one was currently eyeing everyone on the table curiously. When our eyes met, she smiled and I quickly returned the smile.

Xander and Xavier nodded at the man. "Andrei, are these your wife candidates?"

Andrei nodded and gestured toward them. "This is Krystie, Stella, and Gabriella."

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