Chapter 17🔞

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Sienna's POV

The guy seemed to be around my age. He was skinny. His suit drowned his figure in a way that made me smile. It was a bit comical. His deep brown eyes twinkled as they strayed from Jasmine to me. "And who's this beautiful young lady?"

I smiled in amusement as Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Fernando. You're still alive."

Fernando shot Jasmine a glare. "Are you cursing me to death woman?"

"A cockroach like you should be stomped to death, not cursed."

I placed my hand over my mouth to cover up my laugh as Fernando glanced over at me, disgruntled.

"You're spoiling my image in front of a potential girlfriend." He slid up to me and offered a hand. "Hey,
what's your name?"

Jasmine crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You're coveting Xander's woman? You really do want to be stomped to death."

Fernando's arm looked like it withered as he dropped it to his side, his flirtatious expression instantly converting to a more cautious one.

"You're Sienna?"

I nodded in amusement and watched as he gulped, cold sweat breaking out on his face. His lips curved into a nervous smile as he said. "I wasn't flirting with you, just so you know. I just wanted to know who you were so you could be my wingman for finding a girlfriend tonight."

Jasmine snorted and laughed. "I thought she was your potential girlfriend?"

He glared at her angrily. "You could've said something a long time ago!" Then he turned to smile at me and gestured towards a group of people in the corner. "Come, let me introduce you to a few others. I'm Fernando, by the way. I own a cleanup company and work for the Roscotto family."

Cleanup company?

Suspicion pooled in my gut but I refused to ask a question like that. What I needed to know, I'd know.

Jasmine and I followed behind him as he led us to the group for introductions. Half an hour later, I surprisingly found myself enjoying my time as I conversed with everyone, making jokes and laughing with each other as if we'd known each other for long. We spoke about normal topics, to the point where I almost forgot where I was and who I came with.

Jasmine and I had gotten closer and I liked her company. She was blunt and wasn't afraid to say what needed to be said. Something I admired dearly.

"I feel like Libras are the most overlooked zodiac signs." Jasmine voiced.

I nodded. "Naturally. They're the most unbothered to. You don't hear anything bad about them."

Fernando said. "Of course, you don't. We're like shadows. Only visible when the light turns to us."

"I'd rather the light not turn to me, to be honest," I added.

He nodded. "True. I dated another libra once and the relationship was so steady, I started getting suspicious."

I laughed. "What? Suspicious about what?"

He shrugged. "Had to be something was going on. The relationship was too peaceful. A Libra on Libra? In perfect harmony?"

I nodded. "It works, yeah. I'm pretty sure that's a well-balanced relationship right there."

"Then maybe I'm just into the toxic shit," Fernando muttered to himself.

Axel, one of Fernando's men snorted. "You guys don't believe all this zodiac stuff, right? It's ridiculous."

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Does it matter? Believe it if you want to or excuse yourself from the conversation."

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