Chapter 6

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I've never felt this pampered before.

After a nice warm shower, I was currently in the guest bedroom that Christina often used when she visited Xander. It was stocked out with makeup, hair supplies, and a full-on closet of her clothing.

I sat in front of the mirror as she played in my difficult-to-manage 4C hair, a frown marring her face. "Sweetie, I want to help you here but I'm not familiar with this type of hair. I don't want to ruin it."

I smiled at her through the mirror and took the comb from her gently. "It's alright. Even I find it hard to deal with my hair sometimes. I usually just throw on a headband wig and call it a day. Unfortunately, Xander kidnapped me on one of my ponytail days," I glanced down at the forgotten ponytail that was thrown on the floor and chuckled.

"Well, what can I do? We have to mold this into perfection before the ceremony. It starts at 8 and it's already 6."

I hesitated as I shrugged helplessly. "I'm not a fan of doing my hair so I've never put in much effort. A lace wig would've been perfect for this occasion but I've tried to install one of those before and I ended up looking like the clown from IT."

Christina laughed as she pulled out her phone. "That's an easy fix. I'll call Xander and have him send someone."

I nodded and watched her put the phone to her ears. "Xan, your lovely wife needs assistance. We need someone to do her hair. Someone who's familiar with her texture and can install a lace wig. We don't have much time so hurry up!"

"What?" She glanced at me. "Why?"

I raised an eyebrow as she gave the phone to me. "Take it. He wants to talk to you."

I took the phone hesitantly and placed it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Amorina, do you need something?"


"Ask me for it yourself. Do you need something?"

I refrained from rolling my eyes as Christina's gaze bore into my face and pursed my lips. "Xander, can you please send me a professional hairstylist to help me with my hair? Or do you want your fiancé to walk into that room with a very unstable afro?"

He chuckled. "For someone in your position, you sure love to run your mouth."

I shrugged. "My mouth is my only weapon."

"I can think of a lot of better ways to use it."

"You!" The line went dead before I could form a reply. My heart raced as my face grew heated. I wanted to cover my face to hide from Christina's knowing smile.

I gave her back the phone and muttered, "Thank you."

She nodded. "No problem."

I turned to her curiously. "While we wait, can you let me know a bit more about the games? Whatever you can tell me."

She stared at me for a moment then asked, "You're anxious?"

I nodded. All of this was happening too fast. I barely had time to collect myself before being thrust into another situation.

"I understand, you don't have to worry too much. As long as you're cunning, decisive...."

She told me everything I needed to know within the thirty minutes it took for Xander's helper to get here. He sent both a makeup artist and a hairstylist.

The room became lively and soon enough, my face, hair, and everything was set and ready to go. I'd never felt this dolled up before.

It was almost eight and now we were just waiting on Xander to come with my dress that he said he'd pick out.

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