Chapter 40

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Sienna's POV

Despite the bright white walls and the sunlight that streamed through the windows, the room was cast with shadows as everyone stood around the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

I stood in the corner of the room and listened to Christina's sobs as she leaned over the comatose patient laying in bed.

Her husband.

Xander's father.

The man my sister played a part in hurting.

My mind was pounding from this headache. I couldn't think properly nor process how everything went downhill so fast. Too much information was piling onto me at once.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy as Xander, Camille, Xaeen, Gene, Anton, Andrei, Gabriella, and Stella all crowded around the bed and gazed down at the bedridden Xavier with many varying emotions.

I tried staying out of everyone's way and glued myself to the wall, the guilt tugging at me as my mind continued thinking about my encounter with Selena.

This wasn't something I could tell Xander.

My hand unconsciously went to touch the phone that was in my back pocket as I pursed my lips.

Would she call?

"Did you know they had this many men? All of your homes were hit."

I looked over at Anton who turned to Xander seriously. Xander glanced at him and shook his head. "We underestimated them. My father said he would take care of it so I trusted him."

The both of them stepped aside to carry on their conversation. Though they didn't bother to hide what they were saying.

Camille, that was currently rubbing her mother's back in comfort glanced at them, her eyes lingering on Anton's figure for just a second longer before she turned back to hug her mother.

"How'd they manage to infiltrate your house? Wasn't the security tight?"

"Someone let them in."

"So you had a spy?"

"It would seem that way."

"What are you going to do? With your father falling into a coma, you're going to have to step into the position of head."

"For now, I'm trying to identify all the spies in the family. It's time to clean out house. This incident can't happen again."

"You have my family if you need anything. I've already sent my men out to help cover the news of this incident."


Anton patted Xander's shoulder and then glanced at his watch. "I've got to go. Keep me updated on your father's condition. I'm hoping for good news."

He took one last glance at the crying Christina then shook his head sadly as he left.

Xander sighed and ran a hand down his face.

Should I comfort him? Was it okay for me to do that knowing what I knew?

I hesitated just as his eyes snapped across to look at me. A soft smile tilted my lips as he came over to wrap an arm around my waist, tugging me into his side and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes glancing at my bandaged shoulder.

Before coming to visit his father, we had stopped by to get my shoulder treated. As I told him before, it was only a slight graze so it didn't take long for the doctor to treat it.

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