Chapter 20

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Sienna's POV

"Fuck, I'm hungry." Gabriella groaned as she woke up and shifted in bed beside me.

I was already awake and staring blankly at the ceiling. My stomach was growling but my mind was on the very active sleepover that we had last night.

"Si?" She came to peer into my face with a sheepish look. "I didn't know they were spiked candy."

I glanced at her lazily then turned my gaze back to the ceiling. "Then we're both idiots. It was written on the cover that they're Hi-bears."

She tried to cover her laugh as she turned her head away. "It was fun, though."

My lips cracked into a smile and I chuckled. "It was... but maybe we shouldn't have eaten the whole bag. At some point, I started seeing the whole fucking galaxy."

"The galaxy? Shit, I was swimming with sharks."

We looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

"So that's why you were gliding on the floor." I cackled, clutching my stomach in pain as I died laughing.

"Me? You were climbing invisible stairs so you could touch the ceiling." Gabriella giggled.

"Oh, my god. Those gummies were so strong. Must have cost a fortune with how good they are too."

"I hope Andrei doesn't realize I took any. He must really like them to have that many stashed away."

"Yeah." I wiped at a tear. "I'd love to see his reaction when he eats one though. I bet it'd be comical."

"Should I tempt him into having some with me? I can secretly record it."

I rolled over on the bed and snorted. "You must have a death wish."

"Fair enough." She rolled over and propped herself up on her arms. "My belly is crying so fucking much right now. I've never been so hungry in my life."

As if right on cue, the door opened, and in wafted the delectable scent of bacon, eggs, and many other mouth-watering breakfast goodies. Gabriella and I perked up.

Charlie came rolling in a tray stacked with food. I quickly got off the bed to help her, a pleasing smile on my lips. "My favorite life saver, how did you know that we were in desperate need of sustenance?"

Charlie knocked my hand aside when I reached to uncover the food and shot me a playful glare. "Who said this was for you?"

My mouth fell open. "It's not?"

She snorted. "Why would I bother feeding someone who couldn't invite me to her sleepover? I'm not that nice. Come, Gabi, I made you breakfast."

Gabriella shot me a sympathetic glance then proceeded to excitedly bounce towards the food Charlie was offering her.

I stared pitifully at Charlie and made an excuse. "But I didn't invite you because I wanted you to spend as much time with your boys. I know how much you miss them when you're here working."

I shimmied up to her and hooked our arms, innocently pouting. "I'm very hungry. If I don't eat in ten seconds, I might collapse and die."

"I'll make sure to bring my kids to your funeral. Or are we not invited?" she shot back.

I opened my mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything to say. I pursed my lips. "Touché."

She chuckled and took out a plate for me. "I'm just messing with you. Xander told me you girls would be hungry so I prepared a big breakfast."

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