Chapter 23

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Sienna's POV

I had no idea how long it's been but I was bored out of my mind. Gabriella and I did the best we could to entertain ourselves. We played I Spy, rock paper scissors, and guess the word, as quietly as possible of course. Though that didn't matter since the occasional screams and gunshots were loud enough to cover everything we were saying.

If I had to guess, we probably had like another four hours to go before the game ended. I hoped it was less than that.

Gabriella leaned over and whispered, "Isn't it weird?" She asked.

"What is?"

"The fact that the gunshots keep firing and girls keep screaming despite how long it's been... and the sound is always close."

I frowned as I thought about it and agreed. "You're right. No matter how far we run, the noise never fades. Are we running in circles? How far out are we?"

She sighed. "I don't even kno-" she slapped her hand to her mouth to muffle her scream as a big spider crawled onto her leg. She shook her leg violently and the spider immediately fell off. Though because of her sudden movement, she was on the verge of slipping off the branch so I quickly latched onto her shoulder to keep her steady.

Her wide eyes turned to me in horror. "I just realized we're in a fucking forest."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "And?"

"And? There are all kinds of insects crawling around! How are you not surprised? That spider was the size of my damn hand!" She hissed quietly.

"A little exaggerated... but I don't fear bugs so I don't mind. I was the one that had to kill all of the bugs growing up. Selena would scream the whole house down before she ever approached a spider."

"I might be friends with the wrong sister."

I chuckled to myself then froze when a scream pierced the air. Except, it came from right under us. Gabriella and I stared wide-eyed at each other as we fell silent and held our breath.

"Please! Oh God, I don't want to die!" A woman's breathless voice sobbed. It seemed that she had been running for a long time.

Whoever she was talking to didn't respond and instead, the sound of a gunshot went off before a lifeless body fell to the ground.

I leaned against the tree as if I could sink into the bark and become invisible and closed my eyes shut. The snapping of twigs and the crunching of dirt alerted us of the approaching footsteps of someone else. Gabriella and I tried our hardest to stay completely silent.

Was that the masked person? How the hell did he reach this area so quickly? Were we running around in circles?

The footsteps stopped and I strained my ears to listen in closely to their every move. Something beeped and it seemed like the person was typing on some kind of device.

Then a feminine voice muttered to herself, "The map says there are four people in the area. Where are they hiding?"

The footsteps continued as the person most likely searched the area for those four bodies.

My heart was in my throat as I realized why exactly it seemed like we weren't getting anywhere. It's not that we were running in circles. They were tracking us. The masked guys knew the location of all the women.

Anger bubbled up inside of me at the thought. Then what was the point of telling us to run? To get our hopes up? Did they think our lives were theirs to play with as they pleased? This was a slaughter fest. How were we to fight against guns?

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