Chapter 35

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Jasmine's POV

A frown marred my face as I allowed Dennis to tug me along, my brows creased with worry as my heels clacked against the tiled floors.

"Are you sure it's fine if we're seen this close at work?" I asked, biting my lip to signify that I was stressing about the situation.

As we passed the receptionist area, I bowed my head slightly in greeting and hid further behind him.

Dennis chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me into his side and running his nose along my neck. I tried my hardest not to cringe and push the bastard away as everyone shot us weird glances.

"It's alright, baby. People have a bit of office romance all the time. It's nothing new."

I glanced at him shyly. "But you just hired me. People are going to think I seduced you to get my position. Especially since you're married..."

He waved a dismissive hand. "Let them talk. If they know what's good for them they'd keep their mouth shut if they don't want to get fired."

He placed a kiss on my neck, startling me. I reeled back and accidentally stepped on his foot, causing him to lose his footing and stumble, pulling me with him.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I pretended to panic once we caught our footing, skillfully sliding myself from under his arms and creating some distance. My skin crawled as I felt the kiss linger on my neck and I had to clench my fists to refrain from scratching my skin off.

"It's fine." He gritted his teeth to brave the pain and led me toward the elevator. At that point, he didn't attempt to pull me close. He most likely wanted to avoid me stepping on him again. He was a smart man.

The spout of laughter that rang in my ear had me grimacing and I unconsciously reached a hand up to properly fix the earpiece that was blocked by my curtain of hair.

Instant annoyance.

This was what I got for helping out these bastards.

I ignored the noise completely and focused on the task at hand.

The elevator dinged open and Dennis and I got inside. I thanked God that there were other people in the elevator. The last thing I wanted to do was be alone with this guy. I was positive that I'd stab him in the eye if he continued looking at me with that lustful gaze.

The elevator took us up to the last floor where his office was and I followed after him as he directed me towards the pregnant secretary that sat behind the reception area before his office door.

She looked up at us and greeted Dennis. "Mr. Riley. Good morning."

Dennis nodded and gestured toward me. "Good morning, Siri. This is Ana. She'll be your replacement while you're on maternity leave. Train her well, would you? She's an important friend of mine." He flashed his middle-aged perverted smile.

Siri smiled tightly and nodded. "Of course."

Dennis turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, his finger tracing circles onto my exposed collarbone. "You're in good hands baby. I have a meeting to prepare for so I'll check in on you later. Don't forget what you promised me." He shot me a pointed look.

I faked a blush and bashfully moved a few strands of hair from my face. "Of course. Lunchtime for sure. I'll properly thank you for getting me this job."

His eyes lit up as he chuckled. "Good. I'll see you then."

I watched as he swiped his keycard and then disappeared into his office. Then I turned to Siri with a raised eyebrow. "Is that his baby?" I glanced pointedly at her stomach.

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