(("I'll take that as a compliment.")) Shut up, Timmy.

I fly up as this is all happening and spin around to watch the carnage going on all around me. I then cast a Baleful Blessing on myself as I float up to where all the vamp kids are getting dragged to.

It's a shame I couldn't learn Black Mass as the Goths claimed it was their Ultimate only but I'm fine with all the other powers I have at my disposal.

The lifesteal activates after a bit and I feel tons of lifeforce from dozens of kids flowing into me, making me feel like I can now fight at 110%. The vamp kids all droop down and pass out afterwards and I set them down on the ground before calling back my scepter.

I then begin to activate my other powers one by one. Grim Fate, Satanic Seal, Baleful Blessing, Dire Shroud, my scepter's attack boost, everything I have accumulated up until this point. The flames around me grow lighter in color and more intense in nature as my power shoots through the roof.

I quickly stop time and fly out of the restaurant as I don't want to destroy the whole building while showing off- I mean powering up. I soar up into the sky and once I'm far enough away to not damage anything, I unleash all the power I've forged since I first arrived in this world which turns me into a bright purple star in the sky.

After finishing my little outburst, I float back down and head back into the restaurant while making sure to stay out of sight in order to not create any more of a scene. Mysterion and Damien are waiting in the VIP room with unamused expressions on their faces.

"You done showing off yet?" Kenny asks as Damien rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm done. I just felt amazing after taking so much life force from those guys."

"You literally sound like more of a vampire then vamp kids right now, Dovah." Damien deadpans as we begin to walk towards the second to last boss in this DLC. I heal myself from the burns that little outburst caused me as we're walking, something both Damien and Kenny seem to notice.

"You need to be more careful, dude."

"I see your recklessness hasn't gone away since we first fought."

Both grill me at the same time and I huff, "I'm fine." as a response.

(("Fight fire with fire... Only a fool would say that. If you fight fire with fire, you will only get yourself burned."))

'Good thing I can heal then, Timmy.'

(("Just make sure not to go too far. Nazi Zombie space goo has no effect on a pile of dust; I tested it myself. And try not to underestimate anymore problems we face despite you "being able to heal from the burns" as you put it. Remember how derailed Fractured but Whole got due to Cartman's desperation."))

'I know. Even now, Cartman isn't one to be underestimated. He gave up as of now but who says he won't return with a vengeance? It wouldn't be very surprising if he did considering this is Eric Cartman we're talking about. I'll still keep an eye on him and I'm sure you'll do the same.'


Timmy then cuts the connection and I can't help but think about how annoying this can be sometimes. Most of the problems that pop up here have simple solutions but when it comes to the bigger picture, things just keep getting more and more complicated.

Long term problems are something I try to avoid here as they tend to build up quickly when there is so much constantly happening (what happens on the show is just a fraction of the crazy shit that happens here). Take what happened to the adults I had 'replaced' for example.

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