53: Flashback

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The next night
Danny's point of view
I finally sat down, and all the kids followed right behind me. They have all been none stop questions today, I mean it's been constant. The only break I had was when I went up to help Steve with a few things. He gets his casts removed tomorrow, and I could not be more excited about it. I love taking care of him, but I just want him to be all healed, and to be feeling better. I turned to the tv, and Skyler came up with yet another question. "Hey, Danno? When was the first time you kissed daddy?" She asked me with curious eyes. That was actually a good question, no one really knows this story. I think only Kono, and Chin knew this, well now they are gone.

Flash back~ 9 years ago
I had just walked into work, and Steve was right behind me. We drove into work together today, because we normally do on Fridays. We had just arrived back to head quarters, after leaving the crime scene lab. We didn't go to the crime scene, because Chin and Kono took care of that. A young married couple that just moved into a subdivision were murdered in their home. The whole way back, we had been talking about the case and other random things. We had just walked into head quarters, and all eyes were on us.

"You know we have been thinking, and that subdivision is super close. They won't tell us anything, we need someone on the inside." Steve just nodded his head to Chin's idea. "But, they all know that Chin, and I are cops. So we need a fake couple to move in there, and get some information." I just stared at Kono as she said that, I think I know what she's getting at. I just hope I'm not right. "Okay, well who can do it? I don't want some random people running an undercover job for us." Steve said as he looked at our other team members.

"Well, you see it can't be Chin, or I they have already seen us. So that would leave only you, and Danny." I hadn't taken my eyes off of Kono when she said that. And yes she took that to exactly where I thought she would. Steve quickly looked back at me. "Okay, Danny pack your bag we're moving in together." I was kind of shocked he would agree to this. "Oh, and You guys have to pretend to me newly married." Kono added on, after he said that.

"Alright, I'll call up there, and get the house down the road that is for sale. Tomorrow we can move in, and I'll have you a ring by tomorrow morning." He said the last part while looking at me. I just nodded my head. "Alright, I'm gonna make some calls. You guys see if you can find anything else." He said as he started walking towards his office. "Dear, are we still on for lunch?" He turned, and asked me while kind of laughing. I just nodded my head, before he vanished into his office. I can't believe I'll have to pretend to be married to that animal. Don't get me wrong I love Steve, but as a friend. And that is all it will ever be between us, mainly because he's straight, but also because I would want to ruin this friendship we have.

The next day
"Alright, here is your ring. Now are we ready to go check out the house?" Steve said as we just got out of the car. I just nodded my head, and placed the ring on my finger. It's so weird having a wedding ring on again, and it so odd seeing Steve wearing one. We had made it almost to the front door, and we could both tell people were watching us. Completely unexpectedly Steve picked me up, very bridal style. He carried me into the house, before shutting the door behind him, and setting me down.

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked as we were now in the privacy of "our" home. "I had to make it believable. Normally that's what newly weds do, when they walk into their home. So I'm just doing my job for this undercover mission." I nodded my head still kind of in shock that this was actually happening. We already had some movers pretend to move all of our stuff in. They just carried in empty boxes, and our bags of clothes, and other needed things. This subdivision notices everything, we did definitely notice all the eyes on the house when we got here.

"Okay, well next time give me a little warning. I will try to look a little less shocked, when you pick me up." We both just kind of laughed. "So, what's for dinner?" Steve asked looking over at me as he walked towards the couch. "I don't know. We could go get groceries, so I can cook. Or the other option is we can go out to eat." He nodded his head. "Well, What do newlyweds normally do?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "I think most go out to eat, and they normally drink." He smiled at me. "Is that you saying you just want a drink?" I shook my head.

"What? Me? No, why would I wa..." I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Come answer the door with me." I said to Steve, he just kind of sighed as he stood up. He walked over, and opened the door to see a short, brunette haired lady. "Hi, can I help you?" He just kind of asked, we had no clue why she was on the porch. "Hi, I'm your next door neighbor. My names Raven, and I just came to welcome you to the subdivision." She said smiling, as her, and Steve shook hands. "Thank you, well I'm Steve, and this is my husband Danny." He said as he shook her hand, and motioned towards me.

I just kind of waved from where I was standing, behind Steve. "Are you guys newly married?" She asked, as she looked at both of us. "Yeah, we just got married 23 days ago." She nodded her head. "That's very cute, I know moving keeps you super busy. So I'll leave you two to unpacking, I just wanted to come welcome you two to the subdivision." Steve nodded his head. "It was very nice meeting you." He shut the door, after she left the porch. When turned around to me after he shut the door. "That was a really good idea." He said, as he walked past me. "What was a good idea?" I asked having no clue what idea he was talking about. "Well, you cuddled all up against my arm when she was at the door." I nodded my head, and laughed a little. I hadn't even realized I had done that, I might totally like him.

A few days later
I just woke up, and there is a ton of noises coming from the yard. Steve isn't in bed, so I'm guessing it's probably him. Yes, we have been sharing a bed because that's all that we have in the house. So I walked onto the front porch to see Steve putting up a few new decorations, and a few new boards on the porch. I walked over to where he was standing on the ground, and looked down on him as I was on the porch. "What are you doing?" I asked as I was actually curious.

He smiled up at me, before answering. "I'm fixing the porch for you, because I know how much you wanted a nice porch, and because I love you." I smiled at him I was just playing along with this. "I love you too, now come have some breakfast with me." He nodded his head as he started walking towards the stairs. When he got up next to me he pulled me into his side as we walked inside. I could actually get used to having someone love me like he is pretending to right now. We walked into the house, and he let me go after the door was closed.

"So, this morning on my run Kyle down the road invited us to their subdivision party they are having." I nodded my head. "I know you hate parties, but I think we could get some good information from that." I just shrugged, and nodded my head. "Alright, we can do that. Are you sure you can keep up our little act during the party?" He nodded his head, after I asked. "Yeah, you act like it's hard to pretend to be dating. Truthfully it's pretty easy, and besides even before this we always acted the same way." I laughed a little, and smiled at him.

A few days later
I was pissed to say the least, we are at the party right now. He was asking such obvious questions, and it was also very obvious to everyone that I wasn't too happy with him. I was sitting by myself, and he came over to me. "What's the matter?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "You." I could tell a few people heard that, and were kind of side eyeing us. He could tell too, because he reached out, and grabbed my hand.

"Look I'm sorry for whatever I did. I just love you, and I hate when you get upset with me. So can you just forgive me this time?" He asked looking at me, and I just nodded my head. We could tell people were still watching us, so when we stood up Steve did something very unexpected. I stood up, and he was still holding my hand. I turned to face him a little, and he pulled me into a kiss. I was too shocked by this to even care that people were still looking at us, it was a very long, passionate kiss.

When we pulled apart I had my arms wrapped around his neck, and his hand was still holding my face. He leaned in for one more quick peck, before letting my face go, and acting like it was a normal thing. From that point on we had officially sold the undercover mission, and from that we were doing a good job. Might I just add, holy shit he is a really good kisser. This was definitely not helping with my attraction for him, I mean come on who doesn't have a secret attraction for Steve.

End of flash back
"Danno, where you guys dating?" I just shook my head to Skyler's question. "No, not at that point. We started dating almost a year after that. This relationship took a long time." She laughed a little. "Yeah, a long time." I nodded my head. "Alright, you need to get to bed. Along with you other two." I said as I pointed at Westley, Skyler, and Charlie. The Twins are up in bed, I mean it's already past 10. Steve is up in bed watching tv, or sleeping. Grace just went up to bed a little while ago, now it's just me and the troublemakers. They really aren't that bad, but Westley definitely has his moments. Skyler, and Charlie aren't too bad either, but they have their moments too.

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