48: Results

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(This is a very very long chapter so just hang in there.)

Where the story left off
Danny's point of view
I finally woke up, and to a completely empty bed. I frowned my eye brows, as I glance over at my husband's side of the bed. I groaned as I roll back over and cuddle up with my pillow, before I heard foot steps coming in the room. "Daniel, it's time to get up you slept as late as I can let you." I groaned as I flip over to see Steve smiling at me, and holding a fresh cup of coffee, and a plate of breakfast out for me. "Thank you, and what time is it?" I ask as I take a sip of my coffee. "It is 8:30." My eyes widen when he says that. "Shit, the kids are la.." he shook his head. "No, they are at school, and the other 3 are with the babysitter." I lean back again against the headboard. "When did you find time to take them?" I ask as I start eating the eggs he made me. "Well, when you were asleep. I just thought I would take them to school while you slept, I figured after last nights conversation you probably didn't sleep well." I nod my head slightly. "Well, thank you I really appreciate you doing that. And I really appreciate the breakfast in bed." He leaned down and place a kiss on my lips, before I continued to eat. "Well, hurry up and finish we have to leave by 9:30." I nod my head. "Okay, well I just have to do my hair, shave my face, and get dressed." He nodded his head. "We're gonna be late." I heard him whisper."What was that Steven?" I ask as I look over at him. He shook his head. "Oh, nothing. Just don't take so long to do your hair, or we are gonna be late." I shook my head. "Yeah, whatever."

Twenty minutes later
Steve's point of view
"Daniel, are you almost ready?" I ask as I finish walking up the stairs and towards our room. "Yeah, jus... shit!" I heard him swear interrupting his answer. I quickly walk to our shared bathroom, to see he had cut his face, while shaving and now he had blood on his hands, and in the sink. I grabbed a wash cloth to wash off the cut on his face, but as soon as I tried to help he freaked. "Stop! Get out, now! Get out! Don't touch me, leave now! Steve, now! Leave." He yelled towards me as he tried shoving me out of the door without touching me with any blood he had on him, before slamming the door behind me. What the hell was that all about? I had a moment of realization are then, as I sat on our bed waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. A few minutes after his huge commotion he just made, he comes walking out of the bathroom like nothing happened. I open my mouth to say something, before he cuts me off. "Look about what just happened I don't want to talk about it Okay? And if you can't just let it be that, well I'll just drive by myself today to avoid that conversation, Okay?" I just nodded my head, although I know we should really talk about this. I just kept my mouth shut, and asked no questions. "That's fine Danny, and you can just ride in the car with. I won't bring anything up if you don't feel comfortable talking about it." He nodded his head. "Thank you." He weakly whispered as he continued to look at the ground, and play with his hands.

At therapy
"Alright, well lets just sign in and go find somewhere to sit down." I nod my head as I read the sign that says therapy sign in forms. We walk towards the table, and this nice looking lady introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Laura. I'll be the groups therapists today, and what are your names?" She asked as she picked up the list with the printed name tags on it. "Daniel McGarrett, and Steve mcGarrett." She looks through the name tags, and finally finds ours before handing them to both of us. "Well, here's a pamphlet to look over before we start. It has everything we will be discussing, and all the activities we will be doing. Let me know if you have any questions." I hand Danny one as I go to walk away, and he grabs my arm. "I have a question, um... it says here getting over sexual incompatibilities? What is that for exactly?" I feel my eyes immediately go wider as Danny said that. "Yes, sex is a vital importance in a loving relationship." Danny turns towards me giving me a glare like I did this, when I didn't set any of this up sweets did.... sweets, that little shit. "Um... well you see Laura, we are here for work therapy not relationship." She gave me a confused look. "Oh, well you two have the same last name I just assumed you were married." I nodded my head. "Well, we are but we don't have problems." She nodded her head. "Well, this counts as work therapy also so just be in the group. Who knows maybe it will make your relationship better. "I nod my head, as I grab Danny's hand and walk towards the nearest seats.

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