17: The Talk in the Wedding

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Steve's point of view
Danny has been acting weird since the thing at the hospital. He keeps talking about the wedding, and he wants to get married this summer. So Danny, Chin and I are going to get fitted for our tuxedos this weekend. Well today is his first day back to work since that, and I just can't stop worrying. I have been bugging him for a while about it."Danny you know you don't have to go to work. You can just stay home. Yeah that sounds good right?" He shook his head "No Steven, I'm going back to work today. I'm fine, like you said everything is going to be fine." Well that didn't work. "You are very frustrating you know that." He looks at me and replied "Well you're a pain in the ass." "Oh really where did you get this information?" He smirked "From last night." We both just laughed. "Okay fine, I guess you can come back to work. I miss walking behind you." I say while smirking at him. I slowly start to lean in towards his lips, when our lips meet we heard "Danno! Dad!" I mumble under my breath "Shit." "I heard that Steven." We get up and walk to Skylers room. "Skyler did you yell for us?" She nods her head. "Okay what did you need sky?" "I can't find buddy." She said before frowning. Danny then jumps in "Its fine, you are lucky your dads are the best detectives on the island. We will find your missing furry friend." Danny and I both know he's hiding under our bed from the kids. Between Skyler trying to put a skirt on him, Grace trying to paint his nails, and Charlie making him go on walks with him. I mean I can see why he's hiding.
One hour later
By now all the kids are looking for him, and Danny and I are just trying to give him a little break. I think it's been long enough "Okay Danny I'm gonna go get him." He nods his head and I walk up to our room. I pull him out from under our bed, "Sorry buddy." He's looks almost sad that I found him. I carry him downstairs "Look who I found." "Buddy!" Three voices yell excitedly. "Now that we found buddy lets eat and get you guys off to school." Grace looked very unhappy about the idea of school. "Cheer up Grace tomorrow is bring your child to work day. So maybe I can talk Danno into letting you skip school for that." I whispered to her when we heard Danny yell for the kitchen "I heard that."
The car ride to school
We were all silently sitting in the car, on the way to the kids schools. When Skyler asked Danny "Danno?" He turned back to look at her "Yes Skyler?" "What do you and dad do when you go in your room?" She said while looking at us. Well shit, I'm not answering that. "Steve you can answer that can't you?" I shook my head "No Danny she asked you." "Fine," he looks back at Skyler "We play checkers. Yep that's what we do." I give him a weird look, I don't even like checkers. He doesn't like checkers either. "But Danno you and dad don't like checkers." That's when we pull up to their school. Saved by the bell am I right. "Hey it's school time. Charlie and Skyler have a great day, and we will see you after school." They get out and they kiss and hug Danny then me. They walk towards the school after our I love you's and the goodbyes. We get back into the car and now to Grace's school. "Grace are you excited for spring break?" She nods excitedly. The rest of the car ride was the silent.
Arriving at work
Danny has also been very sexual since the hospital thing, he is constantly kissing me or making sexual comments. Like this morning I got out of the shower, I might had taken a cold shower because I was turned on but that's besides the point. I walked out of the bathroom and he pulled me into a heated kiss, which turned into a heated make out session. Then we ended up in bed with him pant less and me without my towel. I mean I'm not complaining I'm just saying it's strange that he's acting like this. I was lost in my thoughts and looking at Danny's ass as he walked into HQ. I noticed his lips were moving so I stared listening "Steven? Hello?" I look up at him "I wasn't listening. Sorry." He shook his head "No you were too busy looking at my ass." I interrupted his sentence "No I was not just looking at you ass, I was um... Thinking." "Ok. Well like I was saying we have cake testing this week. Then this Saturday we have tux fitting, and after that we have to start working on our vows. Plus Kono and I are going to find a dress for her. Then on Sunday we need to find a dress for Skylers daddy daughter dance and for the wedding. And you stopped listening again." I shook my head "No Danny I'm listening, it's just a very long list. But I'm glad we are doing this, I was worried you were going to call it off." We head into my office "Danny your office is over there." I say pointing towards his office. "I know. Okay have fun in your time out office." He leaves and I sit down at my computer.
A few hours later
I walk over to Danny's office and knock on the window. Knock knock he waves his hand for me to come in. He looks up at me when I enter "Yes Steven?" I laugh a little at his tone "I'm still your boss, you can't talk to me like that." He looks up at me almost daring me "What are you gonna do about it?" He smirks "Danny we don't have time and we are at work. We have to get to a suspects house." He frowns "Not even a kiss? Nothing?" I look at him "I'll hold your hand that's it." I say well smiling "That works."
At suspects house
Danny and I walk in because we were late getting there. The suspect wasn't at the house when SWAT breached. That means the suspect could be anywhere on the island, and we have no idea of how to find him. This man help with the murder of my father, but Danny doesn't know that. "Danny, Steve so what we found so far is that Frank Dellomo was big in the weapon trade, transport business, and the drug cartel. We are deal with a big one, he also had connections to Wofat, and Victor Hess." I guess they didn't find out I guess I should tell them. "He was also the man who was sitting at the desk in my fathers study when my father was murdered." I felt Danny's grip on my hand tighten, and Chin and Kono didn't know what to say. I broke the silence with "Um.. Danny and I are gonna go get lunch. Do you guys want anything? Or do you guys want to join?" They just looked down, I guess they felt bad that I was working this case. Kono finally replied "No I'm good thanks Steve." "I'm good brother" Before Danny and I left Kono pulled me into a hug "Stay safe." When we pulled apart I said "I will." I grabbed Danny's hand and we headed out to the car.
At lunch
"Steve can we at least talk about this?" He whispered yelled at me "Danny no we can't. There is nothing to talk about." He looked down "Steve this man helped murder your father, we need to talk about this." I shook my head "Steve I know this isn't easy for you to talk about. I'm not gonna judge you, or think you are weak. You are one of the bravest and strongest people I have met." I reach across the table and grab Danny's hand, "Danny I'm fine with this case. I'm going to be glad when his sorry ass is put in jail. I'm not sitting this one out." He nods his head "I understand you can't stand down. Your father was a great man." I looked up at him surprised that he knew my father "You knew my father? Why am I just learning this?" He smiled and said "I met your father a few time because we worked together, and he always talked about how proud he was of you. He had pictures of you all over in his office, he used to say he's everything I could of ever asked for in a son. He was my commanding officer, he's the one who showed me around Hawaii. And you never knew this because it just never came up I guess."
The next morning
I wake up to Grace laying in the bed between Danny and I. That's when I remember that she slept in our bed last night because she fell asleep when her, Danny and I were watching a movie after the other kids went to bed. I look over at the alarm clock on the bed side table it's already 5:30am. I get up and head into the shower, making sure to grab my clothes for the day.
After dropping the kids off
Well I talked Danny into letting Grace come to work with us today, she's not going out into the field only office stuff. We don't want her getting hurt, so we told her only office work. She would gladly sit in an office over school, I always hated school too. "Grace are you excited to be going to work with us today?" She nods her head and since I'm driving I think we should have some fun. "Wanna have some fun today day?" She yells "Yes" excitedly and Danny was sitting in the passenger seat "No! Steve! Steven! No! Drive slow please. Steve!" I click on the sirens and cars start pulling off to the side, the car quickly jumps from 30 to 103. I still have half the pedal left, but I shouldn't drive as fast as I normally would. After all one of our children are in the car. "Steven! Slow down." Danny yells at me the whole ride to work.
Arriving at work
When I put the car in park he turns back to Grace "Baby are you alright?" She nods happily "That was so awesome." I replied "See told you it would be fun." He looks at me sternly "What the hell is the matter with you?" "What we were having fun?" He looks down, I can tell he's angry "No it was dangerous and you are setting a bad example." "Okay, come on Gracie let's head inside and I can show you were Danno and I work." I grab her hand and we head inside with Danny still complaining.
A few hours later
Grace and Danny have been in his office just "working" well more like playing games. There really isn't anything to do today at work, so it's fine for them to do that. Kono is out surfing anyways, and Chin is out riding bikes with his friends. Which mean Danny and I don't have to be here, but Grace wanted to see were we work. I see Danny stand up and walk towards my office. He walks in and says "Thanks Steven, now our daughter wants to be a cop because of you." I close my laptop "Danny how is it my fault?" He took a second to think "Well because your driving earlier, she thinks all cops have to do is drive like you. And" that's when Gracie jumps in "Danno I just wanna be a cop like you and uncle Steve. I just want you to be proud of me." Danny looks at me and doesn't answer so I do. I walk over to her "Well Grace I'm proud of you no matter what you want to do. You could be anything and I'll still be proud. Right Danny?" He nods his head. We hugs me then heads back to Danny's office. "Are you getting hungry?" "Yeah kind of, but I'm not letting you drive anymore." I look at Danny almost questioning him "I have the keys you know that." He leaves my office portending to be upset.
One hour later
Knock knock knock
Danny waves me into his office where him and Grace are sitting "Are you two ready for lunch?" Grace nods her head and Danny replys "Okay, but don't drive fast." "I won't drive that fast, come on let's go."
Bright and early Danny and I get up, and start getting ready for the day. The kids are going over to Kono's for a while while we go tux shopping, I'm think we are getting black tux. I could be wrong though, Danny changes his mind a lot.
At the tux shop
I was trying on a because I was trying them on first then Danny was going to. I walk out in the first tux and I must say I didn't really like it that much.

 I walk out in the first tux and I must say I didn't really like it that much

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So I walk out to show Danny and Chin. "No, I don't like it." Then Danny stated his opinion "I don't know." He then turned to ask the seller something "Can this suit withstand gun fights, running, hand to hand combat, nuclear bombs and whatever else Steve can throw at it?" The seller now just looked scared "He was kidding obviously." I gave Danny a look then I whispered to him "Danny, I'm not gonna do any of that on our wedding day." "Fine. Go change because I don't like it. Do you like itChin?" He shook his head no. Danny now heads in to put on a suit, he returns a few minutes later.

 Danny now heads in to put on a suit, he returns a few minutes later

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I shake my head no, "Yeah Danny I agree with Steve I don't like it." I put in a comment on it "It's too grown up for you, that's something that an old person would wear." They both shake their heads in agreement. He heads back in returning a few minutes later in a different suit. This one I absolutely hated it was gray colored.

"Nope don't even come out here head right back in

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"Nope don't even come out here head right back in." He turns around and heads back in.
An hour later
We finally found our suits that we like, and I say we look good.

An hour laterWe finally found our suits that we like, and I say we look good

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Chin, and I are wearing bow ties. Danny is wearing a tie, because he says bow ties are not his thing.
To be continued.......
Comment down below how many children you think Steve and Danny should have by the end of this story. Because I'm debating on how many they should have so I would like your guy's opinion.

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