32: Do you remember when

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The morning We left off on
Steve's point of view
I was laying in bed with Danny cuddled up to me, and Westley asleep in the crib in the corner of our room. Danny still isn't feeling well, so he's just been sleeping most of the day. It's already 10:30, I made the kids breakfast at 8 when Danny mom took them to the hiking trails. You know just so I didn't have such a handful, and so the kids could spend time with her. She's really good to have around, she has been visiting more often, since we got married and adopted kids. My mom visits a lot more too, she came to visit every month or every other. And Joe lives here now, which I don't know if that's worse or the same. Mainly because we go fishing with Grace and Skyler all day, Charlie really doesn't like fishing too much, and neither does Danny. Danny was up constantly last night, he would lay down for a few minutes before getting up to puck again. He feels really bad that it was the same night we adopted Westley. He always feels guilty about everything, he can't just go with being sick. He sits there and makes himself worse by feeling guilty for not helping.

One hour later
I feel Danny shift against my chest, as we are cuddling while he sleeps. I start feeling small kisses being placed on my collarbone. "Good morning baby, how are you feeling?" He shifted a little more into my chest. "I feel better, kind of." I left my hand to feel his head. "Baby, your head is still really warm." I say before kissing his forehead. "I know, but I need to get up, and get something to drink." He starts trying to get out of arm, to leave bed. "Lay back down. I'll go get it for you, what would you like?" "No it's fine you have your hands full with Westley, I can go get it. " he must not realize I didn't ask if he wanted me to get it. "Daniel, I said lay back down, it was an order not a question. Now stay in bed, but what do you want to drink?" He seat back down on the bed, as I started getting up. "Just some tea or something." I made chicken noodle soup earlier because he loves soup, he just won't ask for it because he feels guilty for making me do everything.

15 minutes later
"Here baby, I made you some soup. Be careful it's still pretty hot." I say as I hand off the bowl of soup. "Thank you, but you didn't have to make me soup." I kiss his forehead, and run my hand through his clean, un-gelled hair.

1 hour later
Danny finished his soup, and I feed Westley. Before settling back into bed to cuddle with Danny. When I finally lay down Danny immediately cuddles up to my side. He sleepily whispers "do you, do you remember when chin called before we were dating. And I spent the night with you, and I answered your phone. At like 5 am, because you were in the shower, and I thought it was my phone. That really gave it away." I smile down at him, I'm guessing his medicine he's taking is starting to kick it because he seems really tired. "Yeah, I remember."

Flashback 4 years ago
5am Mcgarrett house
Phone ID ** Chin **
"Hey chin, what's up."
"Hey Danny, what are you doing at steves this early?"
"Well I um... I stopped to pick something up, that grace left last weekend when she came to visit."
"Why were you guys at mcgarretts house last weekend? Hmm"
"Well we come for a BBQ. That Steve invited us to."
"And I wasn't invited?"
"Well no, because we just had to pick Steve up from here."
"Well where was this BBQ at?"
" it um.. it..."
Steve finally leaves bathroom from showering I hand off the phone not knowing what to say.
10 minutes later
"Steven, he knows now. Do you think he knows? Dose Kono know?" I say freaking out as I sit on the edge of the bed. I feel Steve sit next to me, and place his hand on my back. "Baby, it's fine. Trust me they don't know, and besides if they do. Then it will be just fine, just like any normal relationship we or they have ever had." I get pulled into a hug by Steve. "Yeah, I guess your right." I lightly press kisses to his chest, as I feel light kisses on my head.
End flashback

"That was so bad, I couldn't believe I actually answered your phone at 5 am. Like that was normal to be at someone's house that early, when you are just friends." I laugh at how Danny still freaks out about that. "Do you remember when you were telling me about your conversation you had with your mom, when we first started dating?"

Flashback 3 and a half years ago
"So how was your day Danny?" I laugh at how he's actually asking, since we work together. "Well it was fine, besides Kono getting curious about you and I." I feel Steve move as I cuddle into him more. "Well, I guess that's normal for her." I completely forgot. "So you know when I come home, and you came over a few hours after. Well anyways, my mom called, and we were talking and you will never believe what she asked me." I seen him shake his head, before asking."What did she ask?" I shift to get more comfortable. "She asked if you were my significant other." I hear him laugh as I continued to cuddle up to him. "And what did you say? Did you tell her?" I shake my head against his chest. "No I didn't tell her, as far as she knows I'm not gay." He laughed as I said that. "Well, I guess she knows. But, what did you tell her then?" "Well I told her you are my significant annoying. I do really well at hiding my gay side." I hear him laugh above me. I love the way his laugh sounds. "Well, Danny you really aren't the best at hiding your gay side. Especially around me. And I'm not an annoyance."
End flashback

Steve's point of view
"That still hasn't changed, you still can't hide your gay side around me." I laugh as I say that. "Can you just hold me, so I can sleep. I'm so tired." I wrap my arms tightly around him. "I can do that, I love you." "I love you, too Steven."

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