33: Old friend

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Steve's point of view
"Daniel, come on we have to go. We are already running late." I yell up to Danny, because he takes so long to get ready. "I'll be down in a minute." I go over and sit down, he's so slow. An old Navy buddy is coming to visit, and later a few that live around are coming over for a poker night, and dinner. Truthfully I don't think Danny gets along with them too well. He's never said anything, I just can tell, but I could just be imagining that.

Danny's point of view
I don't wanna go. I really, really don't wanna go. I hate his navy friends so much, god I hate them. Steve never notices how awful they act towards me, and talk to me. I really don't want to go pick his friend up from the airport, if the kids were home I could use that as an excuse. They spent the night with Adam, and Kono. "Danny, come on we really have to go." I guess I have to go. "Coming." Maybe he won't be as bad this time, I guess I could hope for the best.

At the airport
"Steve how are you?" I hear as I'm sitting in the car, I really don't like his friends. "I'm doing great, how about you?" I zoned out after, because I really don't care how he is. He really rude towards me, because I guess I make Steve less manly or whatever. Like I get we come from a straight time, but he doesn't need to be rude towards me for that. I finally zone back in when I heard my name. "Yeah, Danny is in the car. And yes we are still together." "So what are you guys now best friends?" I heard them both laugh. "Nope, we are actually married."

In the car
"Danny, are you good? You have been really quite, do you feel okay?" He whispered to me, as he went to place his hand on my leg. I could feel his friends judge mental eyes staring at me, I just kind of moved over as far in the seat as I could go. I then just replied with. "I'm okay." Before going back to staring out the window. He tried again to place his hand on my shoulder this time, I just shrugged it off. "Please don't touch me, I really don't wanna be messed with right now." He put his hand back over by him. "Sorry." The rest of the car ride home was my silence, and the conversation between him and Eric (his friend). I hate how I let Eric's stupid judge mental self effect me. Steve is my husband, and I'm in my car, going to my home. Why and how does he still manage to make me feel weird for being my normal self. I just wish everyone thought what Steve and I are doing was normal.

Back at home
"Steve I'm gonna go see if the kids are ready to come home." "Okay, but you could just call." I know I could, but I really just wanna leave. "I know, I just miss them." I seen him nod his head before heading towards the house. I went to get in my car, but his friend said something to me. It just makes so mad. "Make sure your back to cook our dinner and to clean, I'm guessing that's the only thing you do, being a faggot and all. Have a nice drive." I didn't even want to say anything back to that, I really just wanted to leave.

Half a mile down the road
Caller ID~Steven❤️
"Hey, baby I'm sorry if I upset you earlier in the car." I was trying to make sound like I wasn't currently crying. "No, you didn't make me upset earlier. I just didn't wanna make your friend uncomfortable." "Bab.."
End call~Steven❤️
I really shouldn't of said that, to him his friends mean a lot to him. His friend is just a complete homophobic asshole, I really hate his friend.
Caller ID~Steven❤️

One hour later
"Yeah, He was just a complete jerk the whole time." I was over with Kono, Adam took Sky, Gracie, and Charlie to the beach. "You know they were hoping to spend the night here again, if that is aright with you and Steve. I really enjoy having them here." I smile, I know how much the kids love coming over to visit aunt Kono, and Uncle Adam. "Yeah that's fine. But I think I'm gonna bring Westley home with me, so I have someone to take care of, and to avoid Steve's asshole of a friend." I seen her nod her head. "I can't wait till Adam and I have kids. I never thought I would get to this point in my life, I bet Steve never thought so either." I nod in agreement. "I didn't tell you, but Charlie did the cutest little thing the other day. He started calling Steve dad, which completely shocked both of us. You know because Grace, and him have always just called him Uncle Steve or just Steve." We both laugh at how excited I am about this. "Yeah, That is a big deal. Has Grace called him that, or is it still uncle Steve?" I nod my head. "Yeah it's still uncle Steve, and I'm still Danno. I should probably head back to the house, thanks I really needed this talk." I say before she pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry about it, and I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod my head to agree with her. "You know Danny, you could come spend the night with us, and the kids. You know to get out of the house." I laugh. "Yeah, I might take you up on that offer. Bye, Kono."

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