35: Red handed

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Steve's point of view
30 hours before
3 am
It's 3 am and I'm still up, Westley has a fever. He hasn't slept, or stopped crying for the last few hours. I gave him medicine to help with the fever, so I hope it starts helping soon. He wouldn't sleep in his own bed, he kept getting up and walking to Danny's, and I's bed. It was so cute, because I would put him in his own bed, and head back downstairs. And a few minutes later I would go into my room for something, and he would be in the middle of my bed. Cuddled up with all my blankets, and drinking his bottle. I would taken him back to his bed, and he would be back in our bed after a few minutes. I finally just gave in, and let him sleep with us after the 3rd time. He got up around 12, he was just crying. And he hasn't gone back to bed. Danny said he would take him the next time he woke up, well he hasn't gone back to bed. He finally stopped crying, so I carried him back to my room, and laid him between Danny, and I.

That morning
28 hours before
I was woken up the best way, I was woken by little hand grabbing my face, and kissing my forehead. I open my eyes to see Westley crawling around on the bed, and Danny looking over at me. "Good morning." I say, before shifting over to kiss him. "Morning." I pull Danny close to me. Its only 5 am. "Can you go get Westley a bottle, and put him in his own bed?" Danny nods and stands up out of bed. He takes Westley with him. He's so cute, I can't believe I waited this long to see how great kids are.

Half an hour later
I feel the bed sink on Danny side of the bed. "He went right back to bed, once I laid him down." I nod and shift closer to Danny. I pull Danny towards me, and he immediately leans into my chest. "Well, that's good.... is that my shirt?" I heard him chuckle. He shifted closer to me. "Maybe." " I love you." I say before kissing the top of his head.

9 am
24 hours before
"Steve, the ballistics came back on the gun used to kill the victim. It matched your gun Steve, I'm sorry I have to take you in." I could fight against it, but there is no point. "Okay Chin, I understand." He cuffs my hands behind my back, and walks me out of the palace. When we walk past Danny's offices, his eyes shoot up. He run out, and starts to protest. "What the hell are you doing? Let him go! Chin, what the hell? What's with the HPD gear? Let him go." There's no point the HPD has been after me for years, they won't even try to prove me innocent. "The ballistics came back, and it matched Steve's gun. I'm sorry Danny I have to take him in." "Don't worry about it Danny, get a message to Joe, and tell him what's happening." We start walking out and we see Kono on the way out. "Chin? What are you doing?" She asked while grabbing at my arm. "Stop, Kono. Don't try to stop me, if you get involved I'll have to arrest you." "Wow, first you arrest the only real friend you have, and now you are going to arrest family. How low can you get? And going back to HPD? Fine take Steve in, and I won't ever call you family again."

In the car
I was able to undue the handcuffs, I know this is the only way to get my name cleared. I have to do it, I know exactly how. As we slow down for a turn, I open the door and jump. I hit, the ground and get up run. I know where I need to go.

A few hours later
20 hours before
Danny's point of view
"Kono, have you found anything?" She started typing away on the screen. "Take a look at this. The report says the victim wasn't killed the gun shot wounds, he was killed by being stabbed and the gun shots were used to cover it up." I know it's not enough. "It's not enough, how could the killer get Steve's gun? He never leaves it anywhere, he leaves it at home if he is in the yard. Or he's going on a quick trip somewhere. I know Steve didn't do it, but there are too many questions." She nodded in agreement. "The report has a time of death. It's 3:27pm, what was he doing on Monday at 3:27pm?" I smile realizing he has proof he didn't do it. "He was picking the kids up from school, at 3:21. Thank you." I say before I started hugging her. "It might not be enough. I'll keep looking." I nod my head. "Thank you. I'm gonna call HPD, and tell them what we found to see if they will release Steve."

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