62: First Day

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Also an all about me poster is something kids typically do in early elementary school, so Westley is doing his. The all about me poster has pictures of the child from newborn to now, pictures with their family. They share information like favorite food, favorite color, birthday, it's just a little ice breaker activity I guess. Example up above.

Early morning in the McGarrett Household
Steve's point of view
It's Westley's first day of kindergarten, which is really exciting but also it's got me a little anxious. I know Skylar and Charlie are both at the same school, but Westley is very quiet and keeps to himself. The doctors haven't been concerned about that behavior, but I worry he's going to have problems making friends.

Also I just need to point out 6 kids is no joke, I know Gracie is off to college so I only have to make sure 5 kids are ready. It's still no easy task, I have to get everything into the car while trying to make breakfast. I have to make sure everyone is awake and getting ready, and I have to make sure nothing is forgotten. Danny helps, but his job is to make sure he gets the twins dressed and ready. He is also responsible for doing Skylar's hair, and Westley's hair.

When it comes to doing hair, Danny told me I have two left thumbs. I can't braid anything, I've tried. It always turns into a knot.

Charlie pretty much does everything himself, including his hair. He just needs help picking an outfit that matches, so I usually help him with that. He's old enough to match his outfits, but he's just worried about them looking good together. He's a freshman at high school, so he's grown enough to pick his own outfits. It's definitely gotten easier since we've been doing this for so long, but it's still a big job. We make sure we are up, and have everything ready for when we wake the kids. It just makes mornings a lot easier if everything is mostly done, before we wake the kids in case the twins have a rough morning.

"Daniel! 25 minutes, hurry up." I kind of yelled up to him, since he's usually already down here. I have Charlie, Skylar, and Westley already down here eating. I'm just waiting on the twins and him, which is mostly normal. "I hear you, I just need a little help." I just shook my head as I stood up from my breakfast, as I made sure Westley's pancakes were cute up enough.

"Small bites, okay? I'm talking to you little miss." Skylar just laughed as I pointed towards her, since she gets too excited about school and seeing her friends so she tries to eat as quick as possible. She's almost 15, but still. I sighed softly as I walked up the stairs, and they aren't in the twins room. They usually get ready in there, but I guess not today.

"Babe, here. Take one of them." He said as the twins we sitting on our bed, which isn't out of the ordinary completely. Especially for Hyde, so we don't really like him wandering around upstairs. He's good with his walker and he's getting better with his cane, but it's still a fear we have. I didn't really noticed till now that Danny wasn't dressed yet. I mean he had his pants on, but no shirt.

"Where's your shirt? We're super behind, and you're not even dressed." He didn't say anything, he just turned around to glare at me. Maybe I should've kept my thoughts to myself, because I'm definitely going to hear all about this in a second. "Get out, go. Take the twins and get out." I didn't say anything, I just picked them up and walked out of the room. He's was pointing, which usually means I've really set him off.

I'm only worried about our time since it is Westley's first full day of school, and it's his turn to present his all about me poster. I spent most of the time helping him set it up, and fill out all the questions. I think it's actually pretty cute, Danny did help too. Danny was busy between the other kids, and trying to finish some paperwork for a trail he's been called to testify at.

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