60: Different

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Smut warning- there is gay sex mentioned in this part. You've been warned, it's also towards the end of this part, just a little heads up. If you are a younger reader please don't read this, or if you aren't into this kind of thing. I have a warning right before it starts, so you can just skip that part.

Hi, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy, I did something a little different in this one. I've never written smut before, so go easy on me. I hope you enjoy. ❤️ Votes are very appreciated, so thank you in advance❤️. Also I love your feed back, or even just random comments are always appreciated too! Enjoy❤️

Danny's point of view
"Wait, can you wait just a second before we go in there." I mean I'm the only one here thinking, Steve's too worried and he seems pissed. "Wait, for what? Danny you heard that nurse." I just nodded, as I kind of shushed him. He was almost yelling, which is exactly how he is when he's worried.

"Are you going to be fine? You have to think about how he's going to look, how he's probably going to be confused, and scared. Can you handle seeing him like that?" I can only explain this from experience, seeing Charlie after that surgery he had. I didn't prepare myself, and I couldn't handle it.

You can't scare the kid more, and if you go in there all freaked out they won't be comforted by you being there. It makes them even more scared, because they see their parents as superheroes. "He thinks you're a superhero, if you're scared it'll only make it worse. Just go in there expecting it to be hard to see."

"I love you, Danny." He said softly, as he kissed the top of my head. He walked around me towards the room, the closer we got the louder the machines sounded. I could hear him sigh, as he entered the room. It was a normal hospital room, but I didn't prepare myself for this.

You didn't need to be close to see the giant purple knot on his forehead, or to see the small scratches across his perfect face. He hair that's normally parted, and gelled was a mess. Small hairs were standing up, or straying off in different directions. His eyes were red, and puff I'm assuming from crying.

Steve didn't move, he just stood at the end of the bed. Hyde looked like he was sleeping, so I'm guessing they gave him something to calm him down a little. I'm also guessing they gave him something for any pain he might be in. He looks so tiny in this big bed, and he had small scratches on his arms too. I didn't notice those before, I was too occupied looking at his poor little face.

He had probably a hundred wires running off his little body to different machines. I just came to stand next to Steve, as I wrapped my arm around his waist and my other hand rested on his arm. "You're right, I wasn't ready to see this. I mean Danny look at his face." I leaned my head over to place a kiss to his shoulder.

"I know, but we just have to see what the doctors are saying. We'll figure it out. Grace said she just left for a minute, she'll be back soon." He just nodded as he cleared his throat, we haven't even checked on Joe yet. I just reached over to press the call button, so hopefully we can get some information.

"Here, come on let's sit down." I said softly, as I guided him towards the two chairs next to the bed. He slowly sat down, as he was just fixed on the machine softly beeping next to the bed. The only other time we have been in a hospital with any of the kids was with Charlie, after he had that asthma attack.

We heard a soft knock on the door, before it opened with a young doctor walking in. He looked like he was maybe in his late twenties, hopefully he knows what he's talking about. "Hi, you must be Hyde's parents. I'm Dr. Jeffery, I'm the doctor on call right now."

"I'm Danny, and that's my husband Steve. So how is Hyde doing?" I couldn't help asking, I'm sure he expected me to immediately ask. He slowly opened the file in his hand, which I'm hoping has some answers for us. "Alright, so he was pretty confused when he first came in. We tried letting him calm down, but he was just really upset. So we gave him something to calm him down a little, we ran some blood work."

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