42: Trust me

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A few weeks later
Steve's point of view
We just got a case, and we were all talking about the victim. Once we had figured what we needed to do, and were we should start. Danny pulled me off to the side, before we all left to start investing. "Hey, you got a second for me?" What is that supposed to mean. "Yeah, for you I have a whole minute." He smiled up at me as we walked into my office. I sat on the edge of my desk, and he stood in front of me. "So, babe what's up?" I ask since we should really be working. "It can wait, I was gonna ask to go home. I have a really bad headache, but it's fine I can live through the rest of the day." He said as he placed his on my shoulder. "Babe, if you don't feel well just go home. Trust me we can handle this, and besides your burning up. Just take the rest of the day off" I heard him sigh against my chest. "Are you sure?" "Daniel go home, your head is burning up I'm actually thinking about coming home just to take care of you." He shook his head against my chest. "No, I'll be fine. I'll just head home, and take a nap." I nod my head. "Do you want me to drive you home?" I felt him shake his head against me. "No, I'm fine I can drive myself. I'll see you after work, I love you." I lean my head down and kiss the top of his head. "I love you too, if you need anything call me."

After Lunch
Caller ID~ Catherine
"Hey Catherine?"
"So Danny went home sick today, did you want someone to ride around with you today?"
"I mean, if you want to you can ride along with me."
"Alright, do you want to meet at the palace?"
"Yeah, I'll meet you there, bye."

In the car back to HQ
Calling Danny
"Hey, babe how are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling a little better, when you come home would you mind getting me something to take for this headache?"
"Daniel, do you want me to bring you something for it right now?"
"I don't want to bother you, since you are at work."
"Alright, I'll drop some off in half an hour. Don't even try to argue with me."
"Fine. I love you."
"I love you too."

In the car with Catherine
"I have to stop by my house, and drop something off really quick. I hope you don't mind." She shook her head. "No that's fine, I completely understand you have a wife to worry about now." "Yeah..."
10 minutes later
"Sorry, it took a little longer than I thought it would." She nodded her as I got back in the car, and started it. "That's fine, but is that Danny's car?" I look at the obvious black Camaro parked in my driveway. "Yeah, about that. He lives with me." She nodded her. "And your wife is okay with that?" How do I explain this, there is no good way. "I don't have a wife." She looked very confused. "You just said you were married." This is gonna be a long conversation. "I am." "So you have a wife." I shake my head. "No." She looked even more confused as this conversation went on. "So let me get this straight, you are married?" I nod my head. "Yes." "But you don't have a wife?" I nod my head. "Right." "I don't get it." This is a total forehead slapping moment. "I don't have a wife, but I'm married. That must mean, I'm married to a man. And Danny lives with me, so if we connect all the dots it must mean I'm married to him." She started pointing at me. "I knew it... I knew that would happen." Now I'm confused. "You knew what?" "I knew you would probably end up with Danny." Really.. never mind. "Why?" "Well you always explained how you never felt attracted to anyone, well until you met me. And obviously Danny, too." The was a slight pause. "So we are cool, and you are cool with this?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, we are cool. And... wait Danny literally saw me playing tonsil tennis with you... you probably got in so much trouble. I'm so sorry, he's not mad at me. Right?" I shake my head no. "No, he was just upset with me. Although, that is pretty normal for us."

At home
I heard Danny in the kitchen when I walked in so I went straight into the kitchen. "Hey, handsome." I say when I walk over to him. I pulled him into a kiss, that turned very heated. When we pulled apart he said. "Hey yourself." He stood up on his tip toes, and gave me a quick kiss. "What was that all for anyways?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "I just missed having you at work." I say while I hold his waist. "I love you." He says before resting his head on my chest. I lean down and kiss the top of his head. Secretly loving the smell of coconut I get when I kiss the top of his head. "I love you, too." We stood in the kitchen like this for a few minutes before we started talking again. "So, The kids are staying with Adam tonight. Since Kono has been gone he seems like he's lonely, so he is gonna take the kids surfing." I nod my head. "Alright, So we will be almost alone. Well, besides the twins." I felt him start kissing on my neck, and jaw. "Yeah..."

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