37: Explain

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Grace's point of view
First day back to school
I walked into the classroom late, making it that much worse. I really don't feel like being here, I just wanna be at home with Danno. He's having a really hard time with this, and so am I. I knew I had to go back to school eventually, I knew I couldn't stay home forever. I just wish I had a few more days. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, so I walk over to my teacher, and ask him for the work I missed.

One Hour later
I could hear this group of guys whispering behind me. "I mean truthfully, when you are gay just expect bad things to happen." I few seconds later another kid joined in. "I know, but him being gay. He just deserved to be shot." I continue to listen, and not do my work in front of me. "How could she deal with having those two freaks as parents." "I know its just so disgusting." I few minutes later they started back up the conversation. "Shes probably a freak just like her dad." I can't take it anymore. I turn around, and throw a right hook at the guy who started the conversation. "Alright, I guess I'll go to the office. I'm gonna get suspended anyways." So I just went to the office. Steve actually taught me that one.

2 hours later
"I'm sorry Mr. Mcgarrett, but we have no choice. We have to expel Grace, we take bullying very seriously." So I guess what they were doing to me wasn't bullying. "So, what they were doing to her wasn't bullying?" She noded her head in agreement with him. "I'm sorry about your lose, but bullying, and hurting another student are two completely different things." This is how my school works I guess, they don't want kids to stand up for themselves. "She was threatened, in a way. She had every right to defend herself. Trust me, you don't want to expel her for this. If you do, I will have to form a law suit against the school. This would fall under harassment, because that's all this is." She didn't even skip a beat. "I'm sorry, but I have no choice." "Well, expect a lawsuit for the school, and for those kids in her class. I'm also a cop, so that makes it that much worse for you. My husband was a navy seal, meaning he has lots of powerful friends. So it means there is no way I could lose this." She didn't say anything, she just picked up her phone. "Hello, can I speak to head master Johnson? Thanks." After a few moments she continued. "Yes, she hit another student. It was all in self defense, yes they were bullying her." After a few moments she fill him in on how important Danno, and Steve are. "Yes, her father is part of the Hawaii five-0 task force, and her other father was a navy seal." She went silent for a minute. "Yes, He did threaten to sue the school. Okay, yes I will do that. Bye." She throw away the paper saying I had been expelled, and why. "Okay, He said she is not going to be expelled. She will be suspended, but it won't go on her record." He nodded his head. I was pretty happy with staying home a few more days. "Thank you, and those boys better get the same suspension as she gets. Have a great day."

~ Time skip ~
6 months later
Danny's point of view
"Look Danno, look. I'm doing it." I smile at Skyler as she is surfing by her self. "You are doing so good, keep going." It really has gotten easier as time went on, I miss Steve still. I just have gotten better with deal with his absence. The kids are doing so much better, they all have there days. I know it's hard for them to deal with that, it hard for everyone some days. "You guys come on it time to head in. You have some homework to do, Grace can you bring Westley in." Once I get all the monkeys back in the house, and started on their homework. I check my phone to see if I missed any messages or calls.
7 Missed calls~ Joe

I haven't talked to Joe, since the week Steve passed away. I'll give him a call later, it couldn't be that important.

X point of view
"You can't just leave now. It could blow this whole thing." I look over at Joe as I continue to pack my things. "Joe, thats my family. I can't just stand aside anymore, and see them get killed for something that happened 15 years ago." I start zipping my bag. "They don't want you back, listen you left them. Just like your mother did to you, why would you think after 6 months they would want you back? They have all moved on. Your kids forgot you, and your husband is with someone else. You are no longer part of their life, they don't even think about you. What difference would it make if you go back?" No, they didn't move on they know I'm coming back. They were told I would be back after this mission. "Your a liar, they know I'm coming back. They wouldn't just forget me. Even if they did I can't just sit back while they get murdered, because of things I did in the past. Joe either you get them to a safe place, and we meet them there. Or I leave and keep my family safe by myself." I heard Joe sigh from the other side of the room. "I will do what I can."
The next morning at work
Danny's point of view
"Danny, I'm not saying go out and hook up with someone. I'm just saying you should go out and meet people." I really can't do that. I still haven't gotten over Steve, and there's no point in going and looking for someone else. I already had the best, I don't need the second best. "Kono, I'm just not ready to start looking for someone." "Okay, wel..."
ring ring ring
"It's Joe, I'll talk to you later."
"Danny, you and the kids need to get to somewhere safe. Now. I have ste... Never mind that. I'll explain everything later."
"What are you talking about? You were about to say Steve, but that's impossible."
"There is no time for questions, go to the airport. There is a plane waiting for you there, get on and don't ask any questions. Shut off your phones, and don't tell anyone you are leaving. Do it now."
"Why? What's going on?"
"Just Do as I said, you and your family are in danger."
"What do you mean? You can't just call and say these things with no explanation."
"Do it now there's no time for questions."
End conversation

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