6: The Truth in the kids

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Lunch with the kids
Danny's point of view
I thought it would be best if I told Grace and Charlie by myself. You know just because I am their dad, and I just want their honest opinions on if they are alright with this. I didn't want Steve here because then they wouldn't tell me what they really think just to make sure they weren't hurting Steve's feelings.

You know if this was a few years ago I would of laughed if anyone thought that Steven had feelings, but I know he does have feeling. He just doesn't open up to people very easily. We had just ordered our food at a restaurant, I started the conversation with

"You guys like to see me happy right?" They both looked kind of confused more Grace than Charlie. He's little so he doesn't fully understand everything. "You see I have been dating someone for a while, and I wanted you guys to know before I just spring introducing you guys. I have something else to tell you."

I kind of paused because how do I explain this to my kids without making them even more confused. I told Rachael that I was telling the kids today, and she made sure to voice her concerns. She said I was going to confuse them by showing them this kind of relationship while they are so young.

"The reason me and mom didn't work out is because I'm gay. I am very glad I spent time with your mother, I will never regret that time. I got the two greatest things in my life from that time." Grace then said "Danno, we love you just do what makes you happy. And I can't wait to meet him, and I'm glad you're happy."

Charlie then agreeing with her. I continued "Okay, I just need to tell you guys a little about him. I just don't want it to be too big of a shock." I paused for a minute, I guess they didn't need a minute. Their faces lit up, and I guess they don't really care who it is. "It's uncle Steve right? Please tell me it's Steve."

I just rolled my eyes at them, but I nodded. She isn't wrong, but that kind of took away from me telling them. Charlie whispered to Grace "You were right, they did get together." We all just looked at each other and laughed a little.

I'm just glad that they took the news so great. Grace asked "Where is uncle Steve? Why didn't he come with you to tell us?" I then told her "Uncle Steve is at work, and he didn't come with because I wasn't sure how you would react to this."

Almost Home
I called Steve when we finished lunch, and told him how great the conversation went. I asked "Are you home yet or are you still at work?" Kind of hoping he was going to be home. "I'm just getting home, and I was hoping that you were going to bring Grace and Charlie over to visit."

"Yes, they have been wanting to see since I told them. For whatever reason they seem to really like you." He couldn't help laughing when I said that, because I feel like everyone likes Steve. "I wonder why?" I really do love this man, and I'm just glad it worked itself out.

"Alright, we'll be home in just a couple minutes." And of course he didn't say anything, he just hung up like usual. I never understood why he did that, I mean that's kind of rude. You'd think it's polite to say bye before hanging up on someone.

I pulled in the driveway at home, we are now living together at Steve's house. He just loves that house and the ocean too much to move off the coast. Plus Grace and Charlie like to swim when they come over. Grace has even been getting surfing lessons from Kono. I just put the car in park, and they both jumped out of the car and headed straight inside.

I just sat in the car and thought about stuff for a few minutes. I'm guessing Steve got worried or something because he came outside to check on me a few minutes after we got here. Steve walked over to my car opened my door and picked me up. He didn't even say anything, he just picked me up like it was nothing.

"I can walk, I have legs." He just shook his head, before saying anything. "Yeah, but isn't this better than walking? And plus I have to get used to carrying you." I just gave him a weird looked, because what is he talking about? Steve chuckled and said "I have my own reasons." I just smiled as he finished carrying me inside our house. I still can't get over saying that our house.

A few hours later
The kids were getting tired and it was my weekend so they were staying with me this weekend. Steve set up the movie, while I made popcorn. This is kind of been mine and Steve normal night, obviously when we aren't stuck at work. I wouldn't change any of this, I feel good about where I am in life.

For the first time in my life, I'm glad to be in my situation. I couldn't ask for anything more in life, I have someone who loves me. I actually have three people that love me unconditionally, one amazing man and two beautiful children.

This is exactly the kind of night I was hoping for. I couldn't of asked for my conversation with the kids to go any better. I should really hurry up with this popcorn, Grace and Steve are very impatient people. Once the movie started we all sat on the couch together.

Waking up
I ended up waking up on the couch at 2:34 am. Grace and Charlie cuddled up agents me and I cuddling up to Steve. I still couldn't get that thought out of my head. I guess I was up thinking for another hour because Steve woke up at 3 almost 4. He asked "What are you thinking about?" I didn't answer, because I didn't hear him. I guess I heard him, I was just too focused to actually notice it. "Danny, what's wrong?"

"Danny what are you thinking about?" I finally replied because I hadn't realized he had been talking to me and I said "Sorry, nothing's wrong I have just been thinking. Do you want kids?" He looked shocked "Kids? Now, like actually living children? Like you want a baby?" "Yes Steven a living real child would be nice. And yes I want a baby." He was still half asleep, and said "Can we talk about this in the morning, when we are awake?" "Yes, we can. Goodnight, I love you." "I love you too Danno."

Preview for the next chapter
Danny and Steve have a big talk about kids. Does Steve want kids now if ever, and how are Grace and Charlie going to react if they want to have another kid. Maybe even a proposal will be happening next chapter. Maybe Steve is going to be leaving to find Shelburn and to find Wofat  . Read to find out.

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