55: case I

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In the car
Steve's point of view
"Danny, you're being awful quiet. I'm not complaining, but what's bothering you?" He just shook his head, while he looked over to me. This is going to be good, I can tell that look from anywhere. "You know what you're becoming?" He asked me, while smiling to himself while looking at the window. "No, but I imagine you're about to tell me." He smiled and nodded his head. "A big softie.... but I still love you." I shook my head at him, trust me that's not true.

"No, that's not true. Besides even if I was that's not exactly a bad thing? Right? Or would you rather have mister hard navy seal back?" He just shook his head at my last remark. "No, no I'm fine. I'm good with you as you are now, although commander McGarrett was very, very sexy." He said that with a little too much of a sexual tone, and bit his lower lip. I felt his eyes scan across my body, up and down.

"Watch it, or maybe the old commander attitude will come back. You don't want that do you? Last time I remember having that commander attitude all you did was complain." He just kind of shrugged, before looking forward. "No, I'll keep my Stevie thank you very much." I just shook my head, and dropped the conversation. He does this a lot actually, he likes to point out how I act different now. I can tell you I definitely prefer myself as I am, over how I used to be.

I used to have all my emotions boxed off in a little section of my brain. They were never to be opened, or even thought of. That is until I met this unbelievable whirlwind name Daniel Williams, around him there was no control of emotions. At first I hated it, but I eventually grew to like having these emotions. I mean hey, how good Can life be if you never have any emotions towards it.

Now, instead of my emotions being locked in that little box that is where commander McGarrett is kept. He is still there, just to never hopefully open that little box again. You know the Navy made me who I am, but Danny, and the kids did even more then the Navy ever could of. I don't know exactly where I would be without the kids, or him. I mean I might of went back to the navy, or even worst case scenario I could be dead. I mean come on I did a lot of dumb stuff, and if it wasn't for him I probably would of done a lot more of my dumb stunts through the years.

Later that night
"Well, it's been a wild few years, hasn't it?" I said as I sat next to Danny, as we watched the kids play in the water. He just nodded his head, and smiled out towards the kids. "Yes, It has...." He said, before he let his voice trail off. "Wanna hear something, I bet it will freak you out." He asked, as he kind of laughed a little bit to himself. "In a few years we are going to have not one, but two teenagers." Holy shit, I didn't even think about that.

See Grace wasn't bad, because girls think. I'm hoping Skyler won't be bad, but then there's Charlie. I love Charlie, but he is a boy and they really don't think..... no what am I saying, it'll be fine Charlie was raised by us it should be fine. I just heard Danny laughing as he got up out of his chair. I looked up at him, before he leaned down to kiss me. "I told you..." He whispered against my lips, before standing up and walking towards the house.

I swear he just does this type of thing to get me going, now I'm gonna be thinking about that. See I don't worry about things, until someone brings it to my attention. Most the time the things I worry about, are really not that huge. Like this isn't that big of a deal, because I knew they would grow up eventually.

I don't know how normal parents do this, I mean come on I'm the fun one, not the over protective one. I mean come on, I'm freaking out more than Danno. I really hope it's not nearly as bad as I think it will be. Hopefully Charlie meets a nice catholic girl, who is waiting for marriage, and hopefully Skylar meets a nice religious boy as well, who wants to wait for marriage. If I have to have the whole awkward conversation I will literally freak out, or Danny or I founding out about anything bad. I mean how can I just not freak out when I think about this, it could be awful.

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